1. Like a whale in its devouring,
The treasury cannot satisfy its craving,
١. وفقحة كالحوت في ابتلاعها
يعجز بيت المال عن إشباعها
2. For trinkets or for suckling it,
Men's water is the limit of its suckling.
٢. من الغراميل وعن إرضاعها
ماء الرجال غاية ارتضاعها
3. Ubaydullah bellows because of its milking,
Capacious in the rents of its patches,
٣. يعوي عبيد الله من إضباعها
واسعة الخرق على رقاعها
4. So the earth is like a region of its regions
If it were measured it would tear at its cubits
٤. فالأرض كالبقعة من بقاعها
لو ذرعت شقت على ذُرّاعها
5. Thus he is generous of spirit against depriving it
Would that his eyes had, of its wideness,
٥. فهو سخي النفس عن إقطاعها
ليت لعينيه من اتساعها
6. What his desire has of its bowl and basin.
٦. ما لاستِهِ من صحنها وقاعها