1. The finest thing was when the flour was placed
By a man made bankrupt till he became worn out
١. أحسن ما كان الدقيق موقعا
من رجل أفلس حتى أدقعا
2. When he comes hustling hastily speeding
After the dire high cost of living had affected him
٢. إذا أتى يسعى حثيثاً مسرعا
من بعد ما مس الغلاء الأشنعا
3. And reached seventy or became haughty
About that, he does not pity whoever implores
٣. ولحق السبعين أو ترفَّعا
عن ذاك لا يرحم من تضرعا
4. And the family man stretched out his finger in it
Complaining to God and shedding tears
٤. ومد ذو العيلة فيه الإصبعا
يشكو إلى الله ويمري المدمعا
5. And people became in the morning starved
And the hungry feared they would not be satiated
٥. وأصبح القوم البطانُ جُوَّعا
وخشي الجائع أن لا يشبعا
6. O you whose appearance and hearing are perfect
Beauty of face and most eloquent praise
٦. يا من تناهى منظراً ومسمعا
جمال وجه وثناء أروعا
7. Time has frightened me, so be a refuge for me
How often you were clement, and how often you forbade
٧. أفزعني الدهر فكن لي مفزعا
فكم تسمَّحتَ وكم تمنعا
8. And how often you were kind, and how often you were harsh
Yet your grace in it remained a pasture
٨. وكم تحسنت وكم تشنَّعا
ولم يزل فضلك فيه مرتعا
9. For the impoverished and displaced, a refuge
And my great hopes that you would hear
٩. للمقحطين الممحلين ممرعا
وكُبرُ ظني أن تقول مسمعا
10. I am at your service, at your service, alive and well
Your misery was changed into comfortable living
١٠. لبيك لبيك لعاً ودَعْدَعا
بُدِّلت من بؤسك عيشاً خروعا
11. Witnessing that I am a preserver, not one who wasted
١١. يشهد أني حافظٌ من ضيَّعا