
Khalid, though you are her mother, and you her father,

خالد أمها وأنت أبوها

1. Khalid, though you are her mother, and you her father,
So fear Allah, O Al-Shawki,

١. خالدٌ أمُّها وأنتَ أبوها
فاتَّقِ اللَّهَ أيها الشوكيُّ

2. She is a girl you both gave birth to,
So the pregnancy is hers, and the semen is yours,

٢. هي بنتٌ ولدتُماها جميعاً
فلَه حَمْلُها ومِنْك المنيُّ

3. We do not resent you, though he is an enemy,
Successful is his arrow, and you are the guardian,

٣. ما حَنِقنا عليكَ وهو عدوٌّ
مُوفقٌ سَهمُه وأنت الوليُّ

4. So rest from contending over her,
The ambiguity is gone, the hidden has become clear.

٤. فاستريحا من التنازعِ فيها
قد جلا الشُّبهةَ البيانُ الخفيُّ