1. I swear, and breaking an oath is sinful,
By the One to whom Mash'ar and Maqam belong,
١. أقسمتُ والحنثُ له آثامُ
بمن له المشْعَرُ والمقامُ
2. That fasting did not please you,
Not an eyelash, nor privacy without shame,
٢. أنكَ ما راضَ لك الصيامُ
طرْفاً ولا فرْجاً له عُرامُ
3. Nor a tongue whose sword is sharp,
Whose way is lying and wrongdoing,
٣. ولا لساناً سيفُه حُسامُ
عادته التكْذابُ والتأثامُ
4. To your face belong reverence and honor,
Not that, but glory and magnificence,
٤. لوجهك الإجلالُ والإكرامُ
عن ذاك والتبجيلُ والإعظامُ
5. He who plunges into peril would sacrifice himself for you,
If unrestraint did not hold back his rein,
٥. يفديك مَنْ في سيره اقتحامُ
ما لم يُكفكِفْ غربَه اللجامُ
6. Content with none but you, neither hunger nor affliction,
And you are pleased with faith and Islam,
٦. راض سواك الجوعُ والأُوامُ
وراضك الإيمانُ والإسلامُ
7. And a righteous son and uncles,
As recreation, easiest for you is self-restraint,
٧. والولدُ الصالح والأعمامُ
رياضةً أيسرُها الإحكامُ
8. Those are the masters and the peoples,
They endowed you with manners that have a system,
٨. أولئك الساداتُ والأقوامُ
حَلّوْكَ آداباً لها نظامُ
9. The manners of rulers who have dreams,
By which illnesses and pains are healed,
٩. أدابَ أملاك لهم أحلامُ
تُشْفَى بها الأدواء والأسقامُ
10. Those bones did not turn brittle,
Nor were they wasted by arrows that pierced,
١٠. لا صَدِيَتْ هاتيكمُ العِظامُ
ولا أغَبَّتْ سقْيها الرّهامُ
11. Until those wounds were saturated,
Rather, perfect nature disciplined you,
١١. حتى تُرَوَّى تلْكُمُ الرّمامُ
بل أدَّبتْك الفطرةُ التَّمامُ
12. And your roots are honorable and generous,
Before obligations burdened you,
١٢. ومَحْتَدٌ أَعراقُه كرامُ
من قبل أن تلزمك الأَحكامُ
13. And before people said: O boy!
You were weaned when you were old enough for weaning,
١٣. وقبلِ قِيلِ الناس يا غلامُ
فُطِمتَ مذ آن لك الفِطَامُ
14. From all that is followed by sins,
So you came not burdened by blame,
١٤. من كل ما تَتْبعُهُ الآثامُ
فجئتَ لا يرهقكَ الملامُ
15. Walking in moderation without halter,
Moderation obliges you, not a bridle,
١٥. تسيرُ في القصْد ولا زمامُ
يُلْزمك القصْدَ ولا خطامُ
16. If the blamers transgress in blaming you,
And they attempt to blame, but the blamers fail,
١٦. إذا اعتدى في لومك اللُّوَّامُ
وحاولوا الذامَ فأعيا الذامُ
17. They said: a man who has no shade,
That is a defect, you have no reserve,
١٧. قالوا امرؤٌ لما له ظلَّامُ
ذلك عيبٌ ما بك احتشامُ
18. Nor concealment in you of it,
Wealth of yours continues to be usurped,
١٨. منه ولا فيك به اكتتامُ
لا زال مالٌ لك يستضامُ
19. In the shade of might from you that cannot be attained,
Usurped by a voracious man,
١٩. في ظلّ عزٍّ منك لا يرامُ
يهضِمُه منك امرؤٌ هَضَّامُ
20. For wealth the rulers accept his oppression,
The sacred month will thank you,
٢٠. للمال يرضى ظلمَه الحكّامُ
سيشكر الشهرُ لك الحرامُ
21. That when the transgressors confused it,
And the vile barked in its face,
٢١. أَنَّكَ لمَّا هَرَّهُ الطَّغامُ
ونَبَحَتْ في وجههِ اللئامُ
22. And people did not revere its right,
Among them, boldly sinning against it,
٢٢. ولم يُعَظّمْ حقَّه أقوامُ
فيهمْ عليهِ بالخنا إقدَامُ
23. As if they were livestock without understanding,
With no seal upon their mouths,
٢٣. كأنهمْ من جهلهم أنعامُ
ليس على أفواههم خِتامُ
24. And no guest-right for a guest among them,
You smiled, a cheerful, glorious, lofty youth,
٢٤. ولا لضيفٍ عندهم ذمامُ
بَشَّ به منك فتى بسامُ
25. White, with whom clouds are watered,
With sublime ambition, his determination resolute,
٢٥. طَلْقُ المحيَّا ماجدٌ قَمْقَامُ
أبيضُ يُستَسْقَى به الغمامُ
26. His reputation is feeding others, not food,
And his power is wisdom, not rulers,
٢٦. سامِيَةٌ همَّتُه هُمامُ
عُرضتُه الإطعامُ لا الطعامُ
27. The sides of his house are cared for by orphans,
And starving mothers loudly wailing,
٢٧. وقوتُه الحكمةُ لا الحُكَّامُ
تَرْعى جَنَابَيْ داره الأيتامُ
28. An unbreakable bond of truth, all longing cling to it,
Intoxicated with chivalry, hastening,
٢٨. والأمهات الجُوّعُ العِيامُ
عُروةُ صدقٍ مالها انفصامُ
29. Appealing to good manners regarding his wealth,
Never meeting his suitor with death,
٢٩. لكلّ ملهوف بها اعْتصَامُ
متيَّمٌ بالعُرْف مستهامُ
30. Or the shining meeting the dark,
Two seas with no convergence between them,
٣٠. للجود في أمواله احتكَامُ
لا يلتقي راجيه والإعدامُ
31. Active in good, his ambition resolute,
Peace blossoms from his benevolence,
٣١. أو يلتقي الإضْحاءُ والإعْتَامُ
بحران ما بينهما التئامُ
32. The land is impregnated by his rain,
When he smiles artfully,
٣٢. للخير فعَّالٌ به هَمّامُ
تُورقُ من معروفهِ السِّلامُ
33. Generosity and favor return through him,
For every downpour returns heavily,
٣٣. يلقحُ منه البلد العقامُ
له إذا ما اصطُنع ابتسامُ
34. He gives gifts that have no end,
Binding upon him, insisting upon him,
٣٤. يعود منه الطَّولُ والإنعامُ
إذ كلُّ غَيْث عوْدُهُ جَهامُ
35. Their request crowds him,
Of lofty heaven that has no stars,
٣٥. يعطي عطايا ما لَها انصرامُ
حَتْمٌ عليه كَرُّها لِزامُ
36. Followed by star upon star,
From every land its lightning is smelled,
٣٦. لها على سُؤَّاله ازدحامُ
ذاتُ سماء مالَها إنْجامُ
37. No darkness upon its horizons,
Steadfast, not pained by suffering,
٣٧. يعقب إنجاماً لها إنْجامُ
من كل أرض برقُها يُشامُ
38. Fasting for God, upright,
Not troubled by lassitude or boredom,
٣٨. ليس على آفاقها قَتامُ
جَلْدٌ فما تؤلمُه الآلامُ
39. As if exhaustion to him is relaxation,
Light and darkness praise him,
٣٩. في الله صَوَّامٌ له قوامُ
لا يعتريه الأيْنُ والسَّآمُ
40. He forbids all lewdness,
Never ceasing, guidance his leader,
٤٠. كأنَّما الجهدُ له استجمامُ
يثني عليه النورُ والظلامُ
41. His followers, the religion does not sleep,
If the sleepy grow heavy upon it,
٤١. من كلّ فحشاءَ له إحْرامُ
ما زال والرشد له إمامُ
42. Steadfast if feet slip,
With God's argument, his shots hit their mark,
٤٢. ترعيةً للدين لا ينامُ
عنه إذا ما استثقل النُّوَّامُ
43. Truthful, if the quarrel grows hot,
Were it not for him, idols would be worshipped,
٤٣. ثبتٌ إذا زُلزلت الأقدامُ
بحجة اللَّه له رِجَامُ
44. And idols and statues would return,
So fast, yet feast, throwing yourself into peril,
٤٤. صَدْقٌ إذا ما حَمِس الخصامُ
لولاه أضحتْ تُعبدُ الأصنامُ
45. In blessings He Who bestows would garb you,
Perfect, everlasting,
٤٥. وعادت الأنصاب والأزلامُ
فَصُمْ وأفطِرْ مارساً شَمامُ
46. A year passes and a year returns,
By them, until the years expire,
٤٦. في نِعمٍ يوليكَها المِنعامُ
لها تمامٌ ولها دوامُ
47. Abundant portions of them are yours,
And the lot of those who envy you is coercion,
٤٧. يمرُّ عامٌ ويكرُّ عامُ
بها إلى أن تنفذَ الأعوامُ
48. And the anger of those below you boils,
Prolonging their days in your day,
٤٨. موفورةً منها لك الأقسامُ
وحظُّ مَنْ يحسدك الإرغامُ
49. While filth overtakes them beneath you,
For you are a soul, and the world is bodies,
٤٩. وحرُّ غيظ دونَهُ الضّرامُ
تَمطُلُهمْ بيومِكَ الأيامُ
50. They have no basis but through them,
What is in you will not perish, but speech,
٥٠. ويعتفيهم دونكَ الحِمامُ
فأنتَ روحٌ والورى أجسامُ
51. And the sermon concludes, and peace.
٥١. ليس لهم إلا بها قوامُ
لم يفنَ ما فيكَ بل الكلامُ
٥٢. وانقضتِ الخطُبةُ والسلامُ