1. People have one Eid, but I have two Eids,
when I see you, O son of generous chiefs.
١. للناس عِيدٌ وَلي عِيدانِ في العِيدِ
إذا رأيْتُكَ يا ابن السَّادَةِ الصِّيدِ
2. When they celebrate two Eids in a year,
your face represented festive days for me.
٢. إذا هُمُ عَيَّدُوا عِيديْن في سَنَةٍ
كانت بوجهك لي أيامُ تَعْييدِ
3. They said the crescent of Fitr has emerged, I said to them:
The face of the prince is a crescent that never disappears.
٣. قالوا اسْتَهَلَّ هِلالُ الفطْر قلتُ لهم
وجْهُ الأمير هلالٌ غيرُ مفْقُودِ
4. The crescent whose rising I welcomed appeared,
facing a crescent from you well-established.
٤. بدا الهلالُ الذي اسْتقبْلتُ طَلْعَته
مُقابَلاً بهلالٍ منك مَسْعودِ
5. Renew and bring into existence both the Eids with blessings,
the nights refuse renewal except by your generosity.
٥. أجْدِدْ وأخْلِقْ كلا العيديْنِ في نِعَمٍ
تأبَى لهنَّ الليالي غير تجديدِ
6. If your procession has led the Eid's army to its destination,
you have not been weakened due to the absence of the army during Eid.
٦. إن قاد صنُوُكَ جَيْشَ العيدِ عُقْبَتَهُ
فما اخْتَلَلْتَ لفقْدِ الجيش في العيدِ
7. Rather, had you been alone without all the people,
you would have been all of them while they were insignificant.
٧. بلْ لوْ تَوَحَّدْتَ دون النَّاسِ كُلّهمُ
كنتَ الجميع وكانوا كالمواحِيدِ
8. The burdens of authority have befallen you,
not by military and leadership but by nature.
٨. عليك أُبَّهَةُ التأمِيرِ واقِعَةٌ
لا بالجنود ولا بالضُّمَّرِ القُودِ
9. You are the prince who your resolve has granted rule
without requiring permission from the sultan.
٩. أنتَ الأميرُ الذي ولَّتْهُ هِمَّتُهُ
بغير عهدٍ من السلطان معْهُودِ
10. A rule where the ruler does not collect money,
but praise and eulogy.
١٠. ولايةً ليس يجْبي المالَ صاحِبُها
بل الرَّغِيبَيْنِ من حَمْدٍ وتَمجيدِ
11. Is the prince anything but the one who confers his gifts
upon the enemies of fickle fate, black and white?
١١. هل الأميرُ سِوَى المُعْدِي بنائله
على عَداءِ صُرُوفِ البيض والسُّودِ
12. You bestow on them whenever fate is unjust to them
O son of generosity with continuous gifts from you.
١٢. وأنتَ تُعْدِي عليها كلَّما ظَلَمَتْ
يا ابْنَ الكرام بِرِفْدٍ منك مَرْفُودِ
13. So let dismissal and appointment do what they will,
for you are, for as long as you live, the ruler of generosity.
١٣. فَلْيصنع العَزْلُ والتَّأميرُ ما صنعا
فأنت ما عشْتَ والي إمْرَةِ الجُودِ
14. That rule, its supreme ruler,
has made the people owners of a tied knot of blessings.
١٤. تِلْكَ الإمارةُ أعْلاها مُؤَمِّرُهَا
أنْ يملِكَ الناسُ منها حَلَّ مَعْقُودِ
15. God's gift cannot be taken back by anyone,
it is not like something loaned then taken back.
١٥. عَطيَّةُ اللّه لا يَبْتَزُّهَا أحَدٌ
ليستْ كشيء مُعادٍ ثمَّ مَردُودِ
16. Had you been the eras in which people were ruined,
your leniency would have revived all the ruined.
١٦. لو كنتَ أزمانَ وَأْدِ الناسِ ما وَأَدُوا
أحْيا سَماحُك فيهمْ كُلَّ مَوْؤودِ
17. So the turning of time cannot harm you,
while you are in an impenetrable coat of mail.
١٧. فما يضرُّك ما دار الزمانُ به
وأنت حَالَيْكَ في سِرْبالِ مَحْسُودِ
18. This is because there is no difference between you,
this is true, and you are both made from the same mold.
١٨. هذا على أنه لا فَرْقَ بينكما
وَحُقَّ ذلك والعُودانِ من عُودِ
19. Your brother has become a mountain, despite the animosity,
towering over you like a firm pillar.
١٩. أضْحى أخوكَ على رَغْمِ العِدَا جَبَلاً
ينُوءُ منك بركْنٍ غير مَهْدودِ
20. You are united in piety to your God,
each supporter supported by the other.
٢٠. تَظاهَرَانِ على تَقْوَى إلهِكُما
كلا الظَّهيرَيْنِ مَعْضُودٌ بمعضُودِ
21. So the bond is united, the form harmonized,
the comradeship is connected and intertwined.
٢١. فالشَّمْلُ مُجْتَمِعٌ والشِّكْلُ مؤْتَلِفٌ
والأزْرُ بالأزر مَشْدُودٌ بمشدودِ
22. And the two spokes, when they converge and join,
form a continuous, strongly twisted bond.
٢٢. والمِرتَّانِ إذا ما الْتَفَّتا وَفَتا
بمُسْتَمِرٍّ من الأمْراسِ مَمْسُودِ
23. Neither supporter increases the order of his companion
by his own order without affirming and immortalizing it.
٢٣. ما زادَ كلُّ ظَهِيرٍ أمْرَ صاحِبهِ
بأمْرِهِ غير تَثْبِيتٍ وتأْبيدِ
24. Nor does each increase the glory of his companion,
by his own glory without strengthening and bolstering it.
٢٤. كَلاً ولا زاد كلٌ مَجْدَ صاحبه
بمجدِهِ غير تَوْطِيدٍ وتشْيِيدِ
25. For the honour is your joint honour and the glory your joint glory,
and whoever denies that will be trampled by the powerful.
٢٥. فالعِزُّ عِزُّكما والمجْدُ مَجْدُكما
ومَنْ أبَى ذاك مَوْطُوءُ اللَّغَاديدِ
26. Each of you sees the superiority of his brother,
while you deserve the preference and precedence.
٢٦. كُلٌّ يرى لأخيه فَضْلَ سُؤْددِهِ
وكنْتُما أهْلَ تفْضِيلٍ وتَسْويدِ
27. Jealousy and grudges have died between you,
so every envious person has died a forbidden death.
٢٧. مات التَّحاسُدُ والأضغانُ بَيْنَكما
فماتَ كلُّ حَسُودٍ موْتَ مَكْمُودِ
28. And every slanderer who was whispering has been repelled,
so the talebearers have bitten on the bridles.
٢٨. وَرُدَّ كلُّ تَميمٍ كان ينْفُثُهُ
راقي الوُشاةِ فَعَضُّوا بالجلاميدِ
29. The bond of your unity remains the bond of your order
and the bond of your enemies remains a bond of dissolution.
٢٩. لا زال شمْلَ اجْتِمَاعٍ شَمْلُ أمرِكما
وشمْلُ أمْر الأعادِي شَمْلَ تَبْدِيدِ
30. If it is said that two swords cannot share one scabbard,
then you two are bared blades of cutting and unsheathing.
٣٠. إن قِيلَ سَيْفَان يأبى الغِمْدُ جمْعَهُما
فأنْتُما مُنْصَلا سَلٍّ وتجْريدِ
31. You have no need of a scabbard to contain you both,
for eternity you are each a bare sword that is never sheathed.
٣١. لا تُحْوَجانِ إلى غِمْدٍ يضُمُّكما
كِلاكُما الدَّهرَ سَيْفٌ غير مغْمُودِ
32. Bared against the enemies, you have become disgusted
with sheaths to the hilt of notched blades.
٣٢. مُجَرَّدانِ على الأعْداءِ قد رَغِبا
عن الجفُون إلى هامِ الصَّناديدِ
33. Preoccupied with God's victory, busied
from discord, tyrants, and followers.
٣٣. مُؤلَّفَان لنصر الله قد شُغِلا
عن التَّباغي بطاغُوتٍ ومِرِّيدِ
34. The two swords have no secret orders against each other
upon you are the necks of stubborn insolent foes.
٣٤. ما في الحُسَامَيْن مأمُورٌ بصاحبه
عليكما بِرِقابِ العُنَّدِ الحِيدِ
35. A sword is forbidden from cutting its like,
those necks are obvious for eternal chastisement.
٣٥. للسَّيْفِ عن قَطْعِ سَيْفٍ مثْلِهِ ذَكَرٍ
مَنْدُوحَةٌ في رقاب ذاتِ تَأْوِيدِ
36. So let those unlike you interpret the metaphor,
for you two are not present in it at all.
٣٦. فَلْيُعْنَ بِالمَثلِ المضْرُوب غَيْرُكما
فليس مَعْناكُما فيه بموْجُودِ
37. Do not be astonished at my rebuttal of a parable about you,
for the nights have immortalized which everlastingness.
٣٧. لا تَعْجَبَا من خِصَامي عنْكُما مَثَلاً
قدْ أبَّدَتْهُ الليالِي أيَّ تأبيدِ
38. This is for that, and this is an oath after it,
by a witnessed scene of God's Majesty.
٣٨. هذا لِذاك وهذا بعْدهُ قَسَمٌ
بِمَشْهَدٍ من جَلال اللّه مشْهودِ
39. A day does not pass without my eyes attaining
their share of you in my life's duration.
٣٩. ما اليومُ يمْضي وعيني غَيْرُ فائزةٍ
بِحَظِّهَا منْك في عُمْري بِمعْدُودِ
40. But my complaints have been prolonged by my leader,
so for a month I have been in the state of a prisoner.
٤٠. لكِنْ تطاوَلَتِ الشكْوى بِقائدَتي
فكنتُ شهْراً وحالي حالُ مَصْفُودِ
41. I was preoccupied with adversities I endure
not frivolities or grape juice.
٤١. شُغِلْتُ عنك بِعُوَّارٍ أكابِدُهُ
لا بالملاهي ولا ماءِ العَناقيدِ
42. Had I sat without an excuse you would gently
prepare my excuse, whatever the preparation.
٤٢. ولو قَعَدْتُ بلا عذْرٍ لَمَهَّدَ لي
جَميلُ رَأيك عُذْري أيَّ تَمْهِيدِ
43. After you I have endured what none other has endured,
days of lamentation competing with nights of misery.
٤٣. قاسيْتُ بعدَك لا قاسيَت مِثْلَهُما
نَهارَ شكْوى يُبَاري ليْلَ تَسْهِيدِ
44. I become evening and morning in the darkness of my vision,
so my day is not distinct from my night in measure.
٤٤. أُمْسِي وأُصْبِحُ في ظَلْماءَ من بَصَري
فَما نَهَارِيَ مِنْ لَيْلي بمَحْدُودِ
45. It is as if for each of my days and nights
I am in endless darkness perpetually extended.
٤٥. كَأَنَّني منْ كِلا يَوْمِي وليْلَته
في سَرْمَدٍ من ظلام الليل ممدودِ
46. When I hear mention of the sun I am saddened,
and my sighs ascend in greatest ascension.
٤٦. إذا سَمعتُ بِذِكْرِ الشمْسِ آسَفَنِي
فَصَعَّدَتْ زَفَراتي أيَّ تصْعِيدٍ
47. And the loss of the sun's light did not sadden me,
but losing your face has collapsed my broken pillar.
٤٧. وليس فَقْدُ ضِياء الشمس أَجْزَعَني
بل فَقدُ وجهك أوْهَى رُكْنَ مَجْلُودي
48. No gentle bedmate feels at ease beside me
and the bed of my brother's complaint is not prepared.
٤٨. لا يَطْمَئنُّ بجْنبِي لِينُ مُضْطَجَعٍ
وما فراشُ أخي شكْوى بممهودِ
49. I herd the stars, but how can I herd them
while my eyelid is captive and bound?
٤٩. أرْعى النُّجومَ وأنَّى لي بِرِعْيَتِهَا
وطَرَفُ عيْني في أسْرٍ وتَقْيِيدِ
50. And whoever wishes the stars would come to him
is one whose efforts have been wasted.
٥٠. وإنَّ مَنْ يَتَمَنَّى أن يُوَاتِيَهُ
رَعْيُ النُّجوم لَمَجْهُودُ المجاهيدِ
51. The earth narrowed around me by expelling me
so my share of it became like a dune.
٥١. وضاقَت الأرْضُ بي طُرَّاً بما رَحُبَتْ
فصارَ حَظِّي منْها مِثْلَ مَلْحُودي
52. I had no comfort except seeing you
away from the thoughts of an extremely weary heart.
٥٢. فلم تَكُنْ راحَتي إلا مُلاحَظَتي
إيَّاكَ عن فكْر قلْب جدِّ مَجْهُودِ
53. How often I called upon you while desperation bound me,
and you are the goal of every wish and desire!
٥٣. وكمْ دَعَوْتُك والعَزَّاءُ تَعْصبُني
وأنتَ غايةُ مَدْعَى كلِّ منْجُودِ
54. I changed by my tribulation to wellbeing
praised is my Lord for both states.
٥٤. وقد تبدلتُ من بَلْواي عافيةً
بحمْد رَبٍّ على الحاليْنِ مَحْمُودِ
55. So open for your servant the door of excuse, he has
by your kindness a foot in the door that is not yet shut.
٥٥. فافتح لعبدك بابَ العُذْر إنَّ لهُ
قدْماً بلُطفكَ باباً غير مسدُودِ
56. O you, if the locked door exhausts its opener,
the sinful will toss their keys to it.
٥٦. يا من إذا البابُ أعْيا فتْحُ مُقْفَلِهِ
ألقى الدُّهاةُ إليْه بالمقاليدِ
57. With your opinion's star every darkness is illumined,
in which the stars are all concealed.
٥٧. بنَجم رَأْيك تُجْلَى كُلُّ داجيةٍ
يُبَلَّدُ النجْمُ فيها كُلَّ تَبْلِيدِ
58. If you dispute my excuse and its validity,
make it forgiveness for a sin that is not destructive.
٥٨. فإنْ تماريْتَ في عُذْري وَصحَّتِه
فاجْعَلْه غُفْرَانَ ذنْب غير مجْحُودِ
59. How can you punish a man by his own whip
without the whip of vengeance, flogging the wounded?
٥٩. وما تعاقبُ إنْ عاقبْتَ من رَجُلٍ
بسَوْطه دُونَ سَوْط النَّقْم مَجْلُودِ
60. It is enough for me to punish myself for my crime
if I have exiled myself without being exiled.
٦٠. حسْبي بجُرْمي إلى نفْسي مُعاقبةً
إن كنتُ أطردْتُ نفسي غير مطرودِ
61. If you pardon, you will remain indebted
with gratitude, rewarding a favour with another.
٦١. فإنْ عَفَوْتَ فما تنْفَكُّ مُرْتَهناً
شكْراً بتقليد نُعْمَى بعْدَ تقليدِ
62. Favour that bends the towering sand dune with its load,
though light of collar around the neck.
٦٢. تُطَوِّقُ المَنَّ يُوهي الطَّود مَحْملُهُ
وإنَّهُ لَخَفيفُ الطوْق في الجِيدِ
63. You favour then release the favour, diligently
removing it from necks though it refuses removal.
٦٣. تَمُنُّ ثم تَفُكُّ المنَّ مجْتَهِداً
عن الرَقابِ فيأبى غيْرَ تَوْكِيدِ
64. You straighten many a bent one,
correction for one deviant and twisted.
٦٤. وإن سطوْتَ فكَمْ قَوَّمْتَ ذا أَوَدٍ
تَقْوِيمَ لَدْنٍ من الخطِّيِّ أمْلُودِ
65. O son of generosity take it as a eulogy that
flowed from a pure spring for you not yet muddied.
٦٥. يا ابْنَ الأكارم خذْها مِدْحَةً صدرَتْ
عن موْرِدٍ لك صَافٍ غيْرِ موْرُودِ
66. It has no merit but what you have given it merit,
for others to drink from it is like drinking brine.
٦٦. لا فضْل فيه سِوَى ما أنْت مُفْضِلَهُ
فَشُرْبُ غيرك منْه شُرْبُ تَصْرِيدِ
67. Hidden affection your conscience has sought you with
and no associate of love has rivalled you in it.
٦٧. مَكْنُونُ وُدٍّ تَوَخَّاك الضَّمِيرُ به
ولم يزاحِمْكَ فيه شِرْكُ مَوْدُودِ
68. Singling you out for praise above all people
is the same to me as my devotion and singling God out.
٦٨. تَوْحِيدُ مَدْحِك دون الناس كلِّهمُ
سِيَّانِ عنْدي وإخْلاصي وتوْحِيدي
69. I sought only my share and my felicity,
and in that I am not accompanied by artifice.
٦٩. وما قَصَدْتُ سِوَى حَظِّي ومَسْعَدَتي
ولسْت في ذاك محْفُوفاً بتَفْنِيدِ
70. You are the one who whenever I aim praise at him
my conscience replies without feeling fatigue.
٧٠. أنت الذي كلَّما رُمْتُ المديح له
أجابني وضميري غيْرُ مَكْدُودِ
71. My sea is extended to your sea, so it rightly
should not appear except perpetual through eternity.
٧١. بَحْرِي بِبَحْرِك مَمْدُودٌ فحُقَّ له
ألّا يُرى الدَّهْرَ إلا غير مَثْمُودِ
72. You extended my poetry with equal extensions
of virtues beyond counting or enumerating.
٧٢. أمْدَدْتَ شِعْري بأَمْدَادٍ مظاهَرَةٍ
من المناقب لا تُحْصَى بِتعديدِ
73. I have never aimed at you in any of my love
from me a swerve or deviation without rectitude.
٧٣. وما رَمَيْتُكَ من وُدِّي بخاطئةٍ
مِنِّي ولا فَلْتَةٍ عن غير تَسْدِيدِ