
Convey to Abu Sahl, the noble Persian youth, whom

أبلغ أبا سهل فتى العجم الذي

1. Convey to Abu Sahl, the noble Persian youth, whom
The Arabs have come to wish would become one of them,

١. أبْلغ أبا سهلٍ فتى العَجَم الذي
أضحتْ تَمنَّى كونَهُ منها العَرَبْ

2. O you whose resolve and tongue the next morning
Became two swords, keen in battles and in orations,

٢. يا من غَدا وعزيمُهُ ولسانُهُ
سيفان شتّى في الخُطوب وفي الخُطَبْ

3. Thanks be to Allah who, from His bounty,
Granted us in you beauty in reversal of fortunes,

٣. الحمدُ للّه الذي من فضلِهِ
أنَّا رُزِقْنا فيك حُسْنَ المنقلبْ

4. And thanks be to Allah who turned adversity aside,
And thanks to Allah who removed distress,

٤. والحمدُ للّه الذي صَرف الردى
والحمد للّه الذي كشف الكُرَبْ

5. We used to grant you gifts time after time
Until, when you were rescued from the grasp of sterility,

٥. كُنّا نُكلِّفك المواهبَ مرةً
حتى إذا استُنْقِذْت من كفِّ العطَبْ

6. Great gifts accrued to you, for you made us forget
Everything in which we had taken pride,

٦. عَظُمتْ بك النُّعمى فقد ألهيتنا
عن كل شيء كان فيه لنا أرَبْ

7. So leave off gifts! You yourself are a gift to us
From Him of the Ladders, and gifts should not be demanded,

٧. فدع المواهب أنت موهبةٌ لنا
من ذي المعارج والمواهب لا تهبْ

8. We are too shy, now that you have come to us,
After despair, to weary you with requests,

٨. إنا لَنستحيي وقد وافيتنا
من بعد يأسٍ أنْ نَكُدَّك بالطّلَبْ

9. Who sees you, when you are safe, and does not see
Richness in you, not in pearls or gold?

٩. من ذا يراكَ وقد سلِمتَ فلا يرى
فيك الغِنى لا في اللُّجين ولا الذهبْ

10. We seek nothing but you; the craving of a man
For more than his needs is the craving of a dog.

١٠. لا نَبْتغي شيئاً سواك وإنما
طَلَبُ امرىءٍ ما بعدَ حاجتهِ كَلَبْ