
Say to the one called what dogs are nicknamed with

قل للمسمى بما تكنى الكلاب به

1. Say to the one called what dogs are nicknamed with
Words that will bring him shame that will afflict him

١. قل للمسمَّى بما تكنى الكلاب به
قولاً سيلحقه عاراً فيلحقُهُ

2. O you afflicted with an affliction that has no reward
On the Day of Judgement, but it will make him perish

٢. يا مبتلىً ببلاءٍ لا ثواب له
يوم الحساب ولكن سوف يوبقه

3. What I said about you was not slander made up
Except your evils appeared that prove it

٣. ما قلت فيك هجاء خلته كذباً
إلا بدت منك سوءات تحققه

4. How did you choose Abu Hafs and befriend him
Until you became like brothers and believed him

٤. أنَّى اجتبيت أبا حفص وصحبته
حتى غدوت تؤاخيه فتصدقه

5. By God your Lord, did you compare his baldness
To the head of a great donkey that you loved

٥. بالله ربك هل شبَّهت صلعته
برأس أير عظيم كنت تعشقه