1. Do not fear those who sorrow does not possess
Nor dread those envy does claim
١. لا تَخش من لا يقتنيك الأسى
ولا تخف من يقتنيك الحسدْ
2. O most sincere of people when it refuses
And most lying of people when it promises
٢. يا أصدق الناس إذا ما أبى
وأكذب الناس إذا ما وَعَدْ
3. O you who when asked melts for the asker
And freezes when tries to give though able
٣. يا من إذا عنَّ له سائلٌ
ذاب وإن حاول بذلاً جمدْ
4. O you who when friends come are surrounded
By their love as stars surround the moon unveiled
٤. يا من إذا جاء خوانٌ له
حفَّ به خوفَ الغواشي رَصَدْ