
If the successors of a people are good, how wretched

إذا حسنت أخلاف قوم فبئسما

1. If the successors of a people are good, how wretched
Are the ancestors they succeeded, O clan of Tahir!

١. إذا حَسُنَتْ أخلافُ قومٍ فبِئْسما
خَلَفتم به أسلافكم آل طاهِر

2. You have profited by being praised, while you deserve
That your dead be reviled in their tombs.

٢. جَنَوا لكُم أن تُمدَحوا وجنيتُمُ
لموتاكُمُ أن يُشتَموا في المقابر

3. Had they but foreseen the outcome of your affairs,
They would have stifled you at birth, especially the mother of Amir!

٣. فلو أنهم كانوا رأوا غيب أمركم
لقد وأدوكم سِيّما أمَّ عامر

4. Lame old hags dragging their legs,
I find you are not content with the praise of a poet.

٤. أجَيْئلةً عرفاء تَسحب رِجْلها
أجِدَّكَ لا يُرضيكَ مِدحةُ شاعِر

5. As if you disdain praise, seeing in it
No adequate celebration of your glory.

٥. كأنك قد فُتّ المديح فما ترى
لمجدك فيه من كَفِيٍّ مُقادِر

6. How so, when if you competed with the chaff-tredders,
You would lag behind the others, one after another?

٦. فكيف ولو جاريت من وطأَ الحصا
لجئت وراء الناس آخرَ آخر

7. Are you not the son of Bushanj, lame and incomplete,
However much you attain, by destiny's decree?

٧. ألست ابن بوشَنْجٍ أُعيْرِج ناقصاً
وإن نلتَ مهما نلتَهُ بالمقادر

8. The world, of which you are the chief,
Is as nothing to God beside a passing cloud.

٨. وما كانت الدنيا وأنت عميدُها
لتعدل عند الله عبَّة طائر

9. Had there been in the people a free man or woman,
You would have died, and not come to a rememberer's mind.

٩. ولو كان في الناس ابن حرٍّ وحرةٍ
لمِتَّ ولم تخطر على بال ذاكر

10. I suppose that during the Feasts you are the pomp
Of a parade in which the sword-belts glitter.

١٠. أحَسْبك في العيدين إيجافُ موكبٍ
تَخايل فيه مُسبطرّ المشافر