
The intent of your eyes toward it between the radiant sun of morning,

مراد عينك منه بين شمس ضحى

1. The intent of your eyes toward it between the radiant sun of morning,
And soft from the dripping branches of frankincense,

١. مَرادُ عينك منه بينَ شمسِ ضُحىً
وناعمٍ من غصون البانِ ريَّانِ

2. Its tips lightened and its base turned
As if its two halves were cast by frankincense.

٢. خَفَّتْ أعاليه والتفت أسافِلُهُ
كأَنَّما صاغَ نِصْفَيْهِ لُبانانِ