
With his palms he strikes generously

وصفعان يجود بمصفعيه

1. With his palms he strikes generously
And strikes himself among the strikers

١. وصَفْعانٍ يجودُ بمصْفَعَيْه
ويصفع نفسَهُ في الصَّافعينا

2. Like the destruction of the homes of polytheists
By their hands and the hands of believers

٢. كهَدْمِ المُشْركينَ بيوتَ سُوءٍ
بأيديهِمْ وأيدي المؤمنينا

3. Abu Hafs, may God reward you well
For you are the most virtuous among us

٣. أبا حفصٍ جزاك الله خَيْراً
فأنت السيد المِفْضالُ فينا

4. Your stand is against those who intend harm
Your wedding gift is a blessing for the complainers

٤. قفاك لمن أرادَ الصَّفْعَ وقفٌ
وعِرْسك مِنْحةٌ للنائكينا