
In his eyelids a potent draught revolves

بين أجفانه عقار تدور

1. In his eyelids a potent draught revolves
And on his cheeks a blooming rose persists

١. بين أجفانه عُقارٌ تدورُ
وعلى وَجنتَيه وَردٌ نضيرُ

2. Hidden between his raiment lies a rod
Embraced by soft and ample folds it rests

٢. وله بين حُلَّتَيه من البا
ن قضيب حواه دِعْص وَثيرُ

3. If houris of heaven were to glimpse his charm
The fairest maidens would be filled with thirst

٣. لو رأته حور الجنان لحَارت
منه في خالص الجمال الحورُ

4. No blame lies with him if others spurn and shun
For their rejection, he cannot be cursed

٤. ما لأهل الجفاء في هجره عذ
ر وفي هجرهم هو المعذورُ