1. He gives desires generously by his nature
Not like the trader in favors at times
١. يعطي الرغائبَ جوداً من طبيعته
لا كالمُتاجر بالمعروف أحيانا
2. He does not expect praise for giving customs
Nor see him as a conferrer for what he gave
٢. لا يستثيبُ ببذل العُرف محمدةً
ولا تراه بما أسداهُ مَنّانا
3. If the kings' courts buy praise, he saw
Between trading and favoring a difference
٣. إذا اشترى الحمدَ أفناءُ الملوك رأى
بين التجارةِ والإفضال فُرقانا
4. I asked him for my needs until I almost asked him
To return my youth renewed as it was
٤. سألْتُه الحاجَ حتى كدت أسألُه
ردَّ الشباب جديداً كالذي كانا
5. So he did not frown at my many requests
Nor did his face change colors
٥. فما تجهَّم حاجاتي لكثرتها
ولا تلوَّن منه الوجهُ ألوانا