
O you who is supported by his Lord, and praised King,

يا أيها المعتضد المعضود

1. O you who is supported by his Lord, and praised King,
Your celebration is an eternal celebration that recurs,

١. يا أيُّها المعتضِدُ المعضودُ
بربِّه والملك المحمودُ

2. While you are alive, well, and fortunate,
Before you is a long life,

٢. عيدُك عيدٌ أبداً يعودُ
وأنت حَيٌّ سالمٌ مسعودُ

3. And horses, battlefields, and soldiers,
Adorned by flags and standards,

٣. بين يديك العُمُرُ الممدودُ
والخيلُ والحلْبةُ والجنودُ

4. And behind you are those who praise and bear witness
That you are the Master, not the blackened,

٤. تَزْهَاهُمُ الأعلامُ والبنودُ
وخلفك المثْنُونَ والشُّهودُ

5. With what you protect and what you give generously,
O you whose existence tomorrow is guaranteed to exist,

٥. بأنك السيِّدُ لا المسودُ
بما تُحامِي وبما تجودُ

6. You deserve happiness and immortality,
And all those who oppose you are lost,

٦. يا من غدا وجودُه موجودُ
من حقك الغبطةُ والخلودُ

7. Or shackled in their chains, bound,
Their adornments are shackles and bonds,

٧. وكل من تشْنَؤُه مفقودُ
أوْ كانعٌ في كَبْلِهِ مصْفودُ

8. Or kindness and generosity intercede for them,
Until effort is exhausted,

٨. حِلْيَتُهُ الأغْلالُ والقُيودُ
أو يشفعُ الحلمُ له والجودُ

9. And your appreciated efforts, not despised,
Praised by worshippers and the worshipped,

٩. إليكَ حتى يَنْفَدَ المجهودُ
وسعيُك المشكور لا المجحودُ

10. And you are at the highest elevation, envied,
Upon you is the crown of glory, assembled.

١٠. يحمده العابدُ والمعبودُ
وأنت في أعلى العلا محسودُ

١١. عليك تاجُ السؤدد المعقودُ