
You gave a servant who did not thank your blessings

وهب خادما لم يوف نعماك شكرها

1. You gave a servant who did not thank your blessings
So kindness to him turned to disdain

١. وهَبْ خادماً لم يوفِ نُعماك شكرَها
فبُدِّل عرف عنده بنَكيرِ

2. What is the sin of an infant whose very being
Depended on your grace, O refuge of every beggar

٢. فما ذنبُ طفلٍ كان تسبيبَ كونِه
رجاؤك يا مرجُوّ كلِّ فقير

3. Is it proper that yearning for you should drag a family
While your help failed though you are best helper

٣. أيحسُن أن جَرَّ العيالَ رجاؤكم
وخاس نداكم وهْو خير خفير

4. Your aid, O kinsmen of Waheb, for though I
Am not blind, I am most wretched and helpless

٤. غياثكُمُ يا آلَ وهبِ فإنني
وإنْ لم أكن أعمى أضرُّ ضرير