1. I say to those who ask of you, O son of Yahya
Glory to those you asked glory for
١. أقول لسائلي بك يا ابن يحيى
حَمادِ لمن سألتَ به حمادِ
2. And I glorified no one but the Glorious
With the consensus of allies and foes alike
٢. ولم أحمد به إلا حميداً
بإجماع المُصَالحِ والمُعَادي
3. So he said, even if you prolong for a year
I said, even if you prolong to eternity
٣. فقال وإن مُطِلْتَ زُهاءَ حَوْلٍ
فقلت وإن مُطلت إلى التنادِ
4. When has Abu Hasan Ali ever prolonged?
For the cause of his prolonging is lack of generosity
٤. متى يَمْطُلْ أبو حسنٍ علِيٌّ
فَعِلَّةُ مَطْلِهِ عَوَزُ الجوادِ
5. And his imprisonment of bounty, seeking increase
Dew of his hand, though no seeker of increase
٥. ومحبِسُه العطيةَ مستزيداً
نَدَى يَدِه وليس بمستزادِ
6. Prolonging of hope harms not the prolonger
Bounty remains increasing for him
٦. وما ضرَّ المؤمِّل مطْلُ وعْدٍ
تظل له العطية في ازديادِ
7. For every noble youth has some prolonging
In bestowing gifts, throng overflowing
٧. فكلُّ فتىً كريم فيه مطْلٌ
ببذل نواله فرط احتشادِ
8. He competes with himself in sustenance
So the prolonging lengthens with the increase
٨. يُزايد نفْسَه في الرفد حتى
يطولَ المطلُ من طول الزيادِ
9. No generous one ever prolonged
Except his loved ones came, crowd most black
٩. ولم يمطل جوادٌ قَطُّ إلا
أتاك حِبَاؤه ضخم السَّوادِ
10. When a burdened camel is pulled by burden
It completes its form during birth
١٠. إذا ما حاملٌ جرَّتْ بحملٍ
أتمَّتْ شخصَه عند الولادِ
11. Prolonging of the son of Yahya is no disdain
To alienate them, of that habit
١١. وما مطلُ ابن يحيى سائليه
ليوحشهم بذاك من العِوادِ
12. Nor to tame a soul of meanness
Nor to undo resolve tightly bound
١٢. ولا ليروضَ نفْساً ذاتَ شُحٍّ
ولا ليفكَّ عزماً ذا صفادِ
13. It is not his way, too many gifts
Or finding favor burdensome when reciprocated
١٣. وما من شأنه استكثار عُوْدٍ
ولا استثقالُ معروفٍ مُعادِ
14. Those who prolong ransom him to undo
Shackles of stinginess from hands all withered
١٤. فداه الماطلون لكي يفُكُّوا
وثاق البخل عن أيدٍ جِعادِ
15. No lack of prolonging from him
By which good deeds and hands perfected
١٥. ولا عدم المؤمِّل منه مطلاً
تتم به الصنائع والأيادي