1. God did not honor the children of Adam
When the lowliest of them became eternal.
١. ما كرَّم اللّه بني آدمٍ
إذ كان أمْسى منهمُ خالدُ
2. By God, even if they were made eternal
Until the endless eternity passed away,
٢. واللّه لو أنَّهم خُلِّدوا
حتى يبيد الأبد الآبدُ
3. And good deeds were made their vehicle
And the sea wherever the traveler went,
٣. وسُخِّرَ البرُّ لهمْ مركَباً
والبحرُ أنَّى قصد القاصِدُ
4. And they subdued the jinn who then obeyed them
And the defiant and rebellious submitted,
٤. ودوَّخُوا الجنَّ فدانتْ لهمْ
وأذعن العِفْريتُ والماردُ
5. And time became their retainer
As though it was his child and birth,
٥. وأصبح الدهرُ حفيّاً بهم
كأنه من برِّه والدُ
6. And destinies became equal in distribution
So none envied or were envious,
٦. واستوت الأقدار في خُطَّةٍ
فليس محسودٌ ولا حاسدُ
7. And there was no illness or disability
And life was pure its drinking cool,
٧. ولم يكن داءٌ ولا عاهةٌ
فالعيش صافٍ شرْبُهُ بارِدُ
8. And the world remained ever verdant for them
As though it was a compliant maiden,
٨. ودامت الدنيا لهم غضّةً
كأنها جارية ناهدُ
9. They were not burdened with gratitude though it embraced them,
And the wretched ingrate was but one.
٩. ما كُلِّفوا الشكر وقد ضمهم
وخالدُ اللْؤمِ أبٌ واحدُ