
O master whose honor was never stained

يا سيدا لم يلتبس عرضه

1. O master whose honor was never stained
By blaming his opinions or companion

١. يا سيداً لم يلتبس عِرضُهُ
بذمِّ رائيهِ ولا خابرِهْ

2. His outward self is better than his unseen self
And his unseen self is better than his outward one

٢. ظاهرُهُ أحسنُ من غيبه
وغيبُه أحسن من ظاهرِهْ

3. And when the light of opinion goes dim in someone
It only sparks from his own mind

٣. ومن إذا الرأي خبا نُورُهُ
فإنما يقدحُ من خاطرِهْ

4. You will not see a mind sharper than his
Nor a flying creature straighter than him

٤. فلا ترى أثقبَ من ذهنهِ
فيه ولا أيمَنَ من طائرِهْ

5. The first thing I ask out of need
Is that you read poetry to the very end

٥. أوَّلُ ما أسأل من حاجةٍ
أن تقرأ الشعر إلى آخرِهْ

6. A recital stemming from an intention
To understand the heart beyond the seer

٦. قراءةً تصدرُ عن نيةٍ
تُفهم قلب المرء عن ناظرِهْ

7. Then be content with what you deem
Is excellent in poetry and in the poet

٧. ثم كفاني بالذي تَرْتَئي
في جَيّد الشعر وفي شاعرِهْ

8. And I do not see shortcoming as feared
In your action, but as feared for the thankless one

٨. وما أرَى التقصير يُخشَى على
فعلك بل يُخشى على شاكرِهْ