
O Abul Hussein, you are not

أبا الحسين وأنت المليك

1. O Abul Hussein, you are not
A king who does justice to his servant

١. أبا الحسين وأنت ال
مليك يُنصِفُ عبدَهْ

2. And listens to praise of himself
Without devaluing his gift

٢. ويسمع المدحَ فيه
ولا يُخَسِّسُ رفْدَهْ

3. O you whom Allah has blessed us with
That we may multiply our thanks to him

٣. يا من حبانا به الل
ه كَيْ نكثِّرَ حمْدَهْ

4. And whom He created in his offspring
Every individual of high status

٤. وأُلِّفَتْ في ذراه
من العلا كل فَرْدَهْ

5. I saw yesterday what amazed me
Of much promise and its fulfillment

٥. رأيتُ بالأمسِ ما را
قَ من عَدِيدٍ وعُدَّهْ

6. And the policy of a kingdom
That guides it to achieve its purpose

٦. ومن سياسةِ مُلْكٍ
أصْبحت تهديه قَصدَهْ

7. And a blessing that is complete
And a new blessing

٧. ونعمةٍ قد أُتمَّتْ
ونعمةٍ مستجدّهْ

8. And a state that its enemies
Will never see reversed

٨. ودولةٍ لن يراها
أعداؤها مستردَّهْ

9. So all that paused until
I imagined your status before it

٩. فجلَّ ذلك حتى
مثَّلْتُ قدرَك عندَهْ

10. And every glorious thing bowed
To the beauty of your face alone

١٠. فدق كلُّ جليل
لحسن وجهك وَحْدَهْ

11. So how can knowledge and wisdom
When wearing its cloak

١١. فكيف للعلم والحلْ
م حين تلبس بُرْدَهْ

12. Or how can lowliness and greatness
When you strengthen its pillar

١٢. بل كيف للدَّها والإرْ
بِ حين تصمِدُ صمْدَه

13. Or how can pardon and generosity
When you fulfill your promise

١٣. بل كيف للعفو والجو
د حين تُنْجِزُ وعدَهُ

14. Or how can firmness and honor
When you make its knot firm

١٤. بل كيف للحزم والعزْ
مِ حين تُحْكِمُ عَقْدَهْ

15. Where is your equal, O you
Whom Allah did not create an equal

١٥. أنَّى بِنِدِّكَ يا من
لم يخلق اللَّهُ نِدَّهْ

16. And there was never an opposite
Except to one who opposed him

١٦. ولم يكن قطُّ ضداً
إلا لمن كان ضدَّهْ

17. So may fortune grant you what it wills
And multiply your efforts for you

١٧. فليعطك الحظُّ ما شا
ء وليكاثِرْكَ جُهْدَهْ

18. For Allah refused except
To link your glory to His glory

١٨. فقد أبى اللَّهُ إلا اعْ
تِلاء مجدِك مجدَهْ

19. O you who adorned himself with the sword
Its blade and its sharp edge

١٩. يا من تَحلَّى من السيْ
فِ صفحتيه وقَدَّهْ

20. And if we wished we would say
Rather its two edges

٢٠. ولو نشاء لقلنا
بل شفرتيه وحَدَّهْ

21. And if we wished we would say
Its ornamented hilt and quillon

٢١. ولو نشاء لقلنا
مَهَزَّهُ وفِرِنْدَهْ

22. And his forbearance when the forbearing
Dons its sheath

٢٢. وحِلمُهُ عند ذي الحل
م حين يلبس غمده

23. O you who related in supreme traits
His father, excellence and limit

٢٣. يا من حكى في المعالي
أباه طُرّاً وجَدَّه

24. Take them, for you still give
For a dirham, a thousand dirhams

٢٤. خذها فما زلت تُعْطي
بنَقدةٍ ألفَ نقده

25. And whoever wishes you ill
Will not transgress his utmost

٢٥. ومن بغى لك سوءاً
فلا تَخَطَّى أشُدَّهْ

26. And in your endeavors, accept him
And in your life, after it

٢٦. وفي المساعي فكن قَبْ
لَهُ وفي العمر بعْدَهْ

27. For no misfortune makes you stumble
On the path of affection

٢٧. فليس يُطْريك مُطْرٍ
على طريق المودَّهْ

28. Rather, in any case, when
Prudence wears its attire

٢٨. لكن على كل حالٍ
إذا تَيَمَّمَ رُشْدَهْ