1. Time passes its weeks, one after another
Continuous, endless is its duration
١. دهرٌ يُشَيِّعُ سَبْتَه أحَدُهْ
متتابعٌ ما ينقضي أمَدُهْ
2. Our fortunes alternate between joy and sorrow
One day makes us weep, the next we mourn it
٢. والحالُ من سعدٍ يساعدنا
طوراً ونحْسٍ مُعْقَبٍ نكدُهْ
3. We mourn the past, yet from eras more
Our weeping flows, no end to its duration
٣. يومٌ يبكِّينا وآونةً
يومٌ يبكِّينا عليه غَدُهْ
4. We see our woes made immortal
While life itself fades, finite its number
٤. نبكي على زمن ومنْ زمنٍ
فبكاؤنا موصولةٌ مُدَدُهْ
5. Why no path to our redemption
In eternity, infinite its expanse?
٥. ونرى مكارِهَنا مخلَّدةً
والعمرُ يذهب فانياً عَدَدُهْ
6. The intoxication of youth is unpunished by
Old age, and ever-lasting its bounty
٦. أفلا سبيل إلى تَبَحْبُحِنا
في سرمدٍ لا ينقضي أبَدُهْ
7. No good in a life which betrays us
Deceiving are its moments, prolonged its length
٧. سَكْرى شبابٍ لا يعاقبه
هرمٌ وعيشٌ دائم رغَدُهْ
8. The youth is granted days, and must spend them
Payment is but his skin, to be taken
٨. لا خير في عيشٍ تَخَوَّنُنا
أوقاتُهُ وتَغولنا مُدَدُهْ
9. He who loans time, destroys it
His body pays all its debts
٩. يُعطَى الفتى الأيامَ يُنفقها
وقصاصُها أن يقترى جَلدُهْ
10. Until he is buried in a hollow
No family or children left for him
١٠. من أقرض الأوقاتَ أتلفَها
وقضى جميعَ قُرُوضِها جسَدُهْ
11. Worse yet, to be left without purpose
When a people have disappointed your loyalty
١١. حتى يُغَيَّبَ في مُطَمْطَمَةٍ
لا أهلُه فيها ولا ولَدُهْ
12. A king whom when my hands grew blackened
Made them white, by his hand
١٢. وأجَلُّ ذلك أن تُرِكتُ سُدىً
من قاصم وأقرَّني بلَدُهْ
13. Whatever we missed of aid or bounty
With kings it can there be found
١٣. ملك إذا اسودّتْ لديَّ يدٌ
من غيره ابيضَّت لديَّ يدُهْ
14. His harm is but unintentional
He seeks to do good, and relies on it
١٤. مهما عَدِمْنا من سَدىً وندىً
عندَ الملوك فعندَه نَجِدُهْ
15. He never ceased to raise and benefit me
Until I envied by foes, their envy fuels me
١٥. خلَتِ الإساءةُ من إرادته
ويريد إحساناً ويعتمدُهْ
16. His virtues said to his aspirant
"What a fine lad for fate to rely on"
١٦. ما انفكَّ يرفعُني وينفعُني
حتى أضرَّ بحاسدي حسدُهْ
١٧. قالتْ فضائلُهُ لآملهِ
نِعْم الفتى للدّهر تَعْتَقِدُهْ