1. O Ali, the sublime, son of Qassim the divider
Among my seekers of bounty, grant them your bounty
١. يا عليّ العلا ابن قاسمٍ القا
سم في طالبي النوال نوالَهْ
2. And son of Marmarah, who strikes glory
With him or the like of him as examples
٢. وابن مارمَّة الذي يَضرِبُ المج
دُ به أو بمثلِه أمثالَهْ
3. And the one whom manliness and goodness
Became allies, and rights became his children
٣. والذي أضحتِ المروءةُ والخي
رُ حليفيْهِ والحقوقُ عيالَهْ
4. And the one whose giving was without meanness
And whose nobility was without pretentiousness
٤. والذي بذلُه بغيرِ ابتذالٍ
والذي طَوْلُه بغير استطالهْ
5. And the one who did not inherit the fruits
Of noble efforts and loftiness without weariness
٥. والذ لم يرثْ كريم المساعي
والعلا وابتناءها عن كَلالهْ
6. And the one who fears extended hopes in him
Yet does not fear the courses of his demands
٦. والذي يأمن المِطَال مرجِّي
ه ولا يأمنُ المجاري مطالهْ
7. And the one whom every wise guide
Still seeks as an example in good counsel
٧. والذي لا يزالُ كلُّ حكيمٍ
راشدِ الأمرِ يستعين مثالهْ
8. What do you see in the making of a grateful free man
Whom hope has made your possession, your wealth?
٨. ما ترى في اصطناع حرٍّ شكور
قد أراه الرجاءُ مالَكَ مالَهْ
9. Time has led him to you, and the deeds
Of your hand have guided him, O doer of great deeds
٩. ساقهُ نحوك الزمانُ وقادت
ه أفاعيلُ كفّك الفعَّالهْ
10. And on his back is a weight of debt
Which it is hoped you will unload, without fail
١٠. وعلى ظهره من الدَّيْن ثِقْلٌ
يرتجى أن تحطَّهُ لا محالَهْ
11. And believing in hope obligates truly
For the one whom God has refined in traits
١١. واعتقادُ الرجاءِ يوجبُ حقاً
عند من هذّب الإلهُ خصالهْ
12. And with me in that are affection and thanks
Sincerely, utterly, and in speech
١٢. ومعي ذاك والمودةُ والشك
رُ ضميراً مجمجماً ومقالهْ
13. And my witness to your hope is that I have not
Begged, and I have avoided prolonging
١٣. وشهدي على رجائك أنْ لم
أتوسل وأنْ تركتُ الإطالهْ
14. And when the asker comes to the asked
It is right that he not lengthen his rope
١٤. وإذا المستقِي دنا مستقاه
فحقيقٌ أن لا يطيلَ حبالهْ
15. And your morals suffice me for intercession
O you who are near, easy to attain
١٥. وكفاني من الوسائل أخلا
قُك يا أيّها القريبُ المنالهْ
16. So admit me into the times, for you have not
Ceased to be generous in admission
١٦. فأدِلني على الزمانِ فما زل
تَ على صرِفه كريمَ الإدالهْ
17. And save me from an envier saying "he missed"
Or saying "he was more deserving of it" than me
١٧. وأجِرني من أن يقولَ حسودٌ
خابَ أو أن يقولَ لي أولى لهْ
18. For you are the one whom when hopes equip
His hopes are counted as his riches
١٨. فلأَنت الذي إذا أمَّه الآ
ملُ عُدَّتْ آمالُه أموالَهْ
19. And the one who buys praise and then values it
When the carpenter does not hasten to lower his price
١٩. والذي يشتري الثناء فَيُغْلي
حين لا يسأل النجار الإقالهْ
20. For you from me are all spontaneity in thanks
For events, lasting high evaluation
٢٠. لك مني جمَّ البديهة بالشك
رِ على الحادثات باقي العُلالهْ
21. And seldom opposition, you can amend, if you wish
As a companion, and be content with the agency
٢١. وقليلُ الخلافِ يصلح إن شئ
تَ جليساً ويرتضَى للوكالهْ
22. If you keep his company, amiability is from him
Or if you entrust him, gravity comes from him
٢٢. إن تجالسْهُ فالدماثة منه
أو توكِّله تَبْلُ منه جزالهْ
23. Independent, whenever you tasked him
With the burden of an era, you did not blame his independence
٢٣. مستقلٌّ متى عبأْتَ عليه
عبءَ دهرٍ لم تذممِ استقلالهْ
24. In him are things no protector would allow
To rebuke him for the sin of boredom
٢٤. فيه أشياءُ لا يدعنَ ملولاً
يتجنّى عليه ذنبَ الملالهْ
25. So test him in both conditions entirely
You will find seriousness with him and invalidation
٢٥. فاختبرْه في الحالتين جميعاً
تجدِ الجدَّ عنده والبطالهْ
26. And detain him, for O chief
If you extend his innocence, you extend his detention
٢٦. واعتقلْه فإنه أيها السيْ
يِدُ إن بُرْتَه أطلْتَ اعتقالهْ
27. And praising myself is hard for me
Except that I made it clear to point it out
٢٧. وعزيزٌ عليَّ مَدْحِيَ نفسي
غير أني جُشِّمتُه للدلالهْ
28. And that is a fault which nearly causes
Every free man who wants to show his family to fall into it
٢٨. وهْو عيبٌ يكادُ يسقط فيه
كلُّ حرٍّ يريدُ إظهارَ آلَهْ
29. And my seeking out faults diligently for your sake
Is a right, if you do not want to invalidate it
٢٩. واعتسافي العيوبَ حرصاً على قر
بك حقٌّ إنْ لم ترد إبطالهْ
30. O lover of beauty, nothing beautiful is
With a beauty unless it shows you its beauty
٣٠. يا محبَّ الجمالِ ليس جميلاً
بجميلٍ ألّا يريك جمالهْ
31. And when a man does not display what is in him
A guide passes him by in ignorance of him
٣١. وإذا المرء لم يلوح بما في
ه تخطاه رائدٌ بجهالهْ