
I decided to divorce my difficult marriage

عزمت على تطليق عرسي لعسرتي

1. I decided to divorce my difficult marriage
But she sought protection in your name, Qasim, and cried out

١. عزمتُ على تطليقِ عرسي لعُسرتي
فعاذت بِحقْوَيْ قاسمٍ وأرنَّتِ

2. And called out the cry of one seeking refuge in your name
So I said, I will protect her as a neighbor, and she was reassured

٢. ونادت نِداء المُستجيرة باسمهِ
فقلتُ أجَرنا جارةً فاطمأنتِ

3. Your protection with me is guaranteed as long as I live
And if she does not transgress, though she has grown old

٣. أمانُكِ عندي ما حييت مُؤكَّدٌ
وإن لم تَعُدّي حُرمةً قد أسنَّتِ

4. O Qasim you are the refuge from what she fears
When the nights sin and become troubled

٤. أقاسمُ أنت الحِرزُ مما تخافُه
إذا ما الليالي أذنبت وأَجَنَّتِ

5. I pardoned her because I trust in your neighborliness
With your faithful companionship, even when the soul suspects

٥. أجرتُ لأني في جوارك واثقٌ
بعروتك الوثقي إذا النفسُ ظنَّتِ

6. And I refrained from my decision to separate
When she feared the agony of separation would afflict her

٦. وأعفيتُ من عزمي على الصرم حرةً
إذا هي خافت فاجعَ البينِ أنَّتِ

7. It was not out of stinginess when I decided to leave her
But it was due to my share of your loyalty that she clung

٧. وما بيَ ضنَّتْ إذ عزمتُ فراقها
ولكن بحظي من ولائكَ ضَنَّتِ

8. My soul did not blame itself or break its vow
But it was the times that made her unstable

٨. ولا لَؤُمَتْ نفسي ولا ساء عهدُها
ولكنها جُنَّ الزمانُ فجُنَّتِ

9. And you, whenever the soul of a free person sought
Refuge in you, gave whatever was wished for

٩. وكنتَ إذا ما نفسُ حُرٍّ تطلَّعت
إليك مُناها أُعطيت ما تمَنَّتِ

10. Even if a group of lowlifes thought to sever
Your lofty connection, they would not dare oppose you

١٠. ولو يَممتْ من مَقْطع التُّرب عُصبةٌ
ذَراك على علاتها ما تَعنَّتِ

11. I say to the critics, your help for the thirsty
Is above reproach, even when the critic berates

١١. أقولُ لعُذّالٍ نداك شجاهُم
دعوا مُزنةَ السّقيا إذا هي شَنّتِ

12. Leave in peace, stinginess never crossed its path
Nor did it ever favor and then refuse to give again

١٢. دعُوا راحةً لم يخطُر البخلُ سَيْبها
ولا أنعمتْ يوماً فمنَّت ومنَّتِ

13. It is not the way of Satan to habituate it to giving
Rather, it is the way of God that habituated it

١٣. وما سُنَّةُ الشيطانِ سَنَّت بِبَذْلها
فواضِلَها بل سُنَّةُ الله سنَّتِ

14. O Qasim, your agreeable traits do not lack
When examined closely like dinars they ring true

١٤. أقاسمُ لا تَعْدَم سجايا رضيَّةً
إذا نُقِرَتْ نَقْرَ الدنانير طَنَّت

15. Traits that when they intend good, hasten towards it
And when they intend evil, become slow

١٥. سجايا إذا هَمَّتْ بِخَيرٍ تَسَرَّعَتْ
إليه وإن هَمَّتْ بسوءٍ تأنَّتِ

16. The world cried over your sorrows but when
Your status became clear, it rejoiced and sang your praises

١٦. بكتْ شجوَها الدنيا فلما تَبَيَّنتْ
مكانَكَ منها استبشرتْ وتَغَنَّتِ

17. It was insignificant but through you became great
It was called lowly but through you gained prestige

١٧. وكانَتْ ضَئيلاً شخصُها فتطاولتْ
وكانت تُسَمَّى ذِلّةً فتكَنَّتِ

18. So that the world could enjoy your presence forever
Since it longed for you and yearned for so long

١٨. لِتَسْتَمتِع الدنيا بوجهك دَهْرها
فقد طال ما اشتاقتْ إليه وحَنَّتِ

19. And it had an ancient love it hid
When you arrived, it unveiled what it had hidden

١٩. وكان بها عشقٌ قديمٌ تُجنّهُ
فلما أُذيلتْ أظهرتْ ما أجنَّتِ

20. What is the matter of God's bounty, a face you carried
Did bounty marry it or just flirt?

٢٠. وما شان نُعْمَى الله وَجْهٌ حَمَلْتَه
تزوّجت النُّعمى به أمْ تَبَنَّتِ

21. It settled in bliss, God's bounty, when you arrived
It found peace and serenity in your shelter

٢١. ثوتْ في نعيمٍ نِعْمةُ الله إذ غدتْ
وراحتْ وظَلَّتْ في ذراك استكنَّتِ