1. May God have mercy on Salih bin Wasif
For he was indeed very noble and refined
١. رحم الله صالح بن وصيفِ
فلقد كان جدَّ شهمٍ ظريفِ
2. He would not choose an effeminate as a boon companion
Rather he saw him like chaff that was winnowed
٢. كان لا يصطفي المخنَّث خدناً
بل يراه مثل الكنيف المجيف
3. A company who are despised by decent people
While the wholesome is impure to the virtuous
٣. معشر قربهم من الناس عرٌّ
لصحيح وقذرة لنظيف
4. So drive away the effeminate decisively
And let that task be for every gentleman
٤. فادحروا عنكم المخانيث دحراً
وليوكَّل بذاك كل شريف