1. I bid farewell to nursing and youth altogether,
So how can you see me shedding tears for anything but them?
١. سلوتُ الرضاعَ والشبابَ كليهما
فكيف تُراني سالياً ما سواهما
2. And I have rejected nothing new that the times have brought,
It is they who were the givers, they are the ones I miss!
٢. وما أحدثَ العصران شيئاً نكرتُهُ
هما الواهبان الساليان هما هما
3. I saw how to cope with something before it happened,
I shielded my eyes so as not to prolong their weeping.
٣. رأيتُ احتسابَ الأمر قبل وقوعهِ
حمى مُقلتيَّ أن يطولَ بُكاهما