1. I'm amazed by a group that we hosted
Who went to bed as commoners and woke up as Arabs
١. عجبتُ من معشرٍ بعقوتنا
باتوا نَبيطاً وأصبحوا عَربَا
2. Like Abu Al-Saqr, for in him and his
Claim are amazing signs and wonders
٢. مثلَ أبي الصقرِ إن فيه وفي
دعواهُ شيبانَ آيةً عجبا
3. While trying to cure his nature
When alchemy touched him, he was transformed
٣. بيناهُ عِلْجاً على جِبلَّتهِ
إذ مسَّه الكيمياء فانقلبا
4. His blessed grandfather Arabized him just as
His grandfather turned tin into gold
٤. عرَّبَهُ جَدُّهُ السعيدُ كما
حَولَّ زِرْنيخَ جدِّهِ ذهبا
5. And so these ancestors have
An elixir of truth that Arabizes lineage
٥. وهَكذا هذه الجدودُ لها
إكسير صدقٍ يُعرِّبُ النسبا
6. O Abu Al-Saqr, time has changed for you
Your maternal uncle into a paternal uncle and your father into a father
٦. بدَّلك الدهرُ يا أبا الصقر من
خالِكَ خالاً ومن أبيكَ أبا
7. Does God see you grateful
For the blessings He bestowed?
٧. فهل يراكَ الإلهُ معترفاً
بشكر نعمائه التي وهبا
8. O Arab whose fathers were Nabataeans
O spring whose origin was foreign
٨. يا عربياً آباؤهُ نَبَطٌ
يا نبعةً كان أصلُها غَرَبا
9. You have so many fathers and mothers
That if they planted thorns, it would bear grapes
٩. كم لك من والدٍ ووالدةٍ
لو غرسا الشوكَ أثمرَ العنبا
10. Rather, if they shook a shake, it would rain
Fresh dates from the head of this man and woman
١٠. بل لو يَهُزّان هزةً نثرت
من رأس هذا وهذه رُطبا
11. They knew no tent, nor peg
No pole for it, nor rope
١١. لم يعرفا خيمةً ولا وَتِداً
ولا عموداً لها ولا طُنُبا