1. The truthful have said, O Khaled you have become unjust to Al-Shawkia
You claim generosity for him and his mother
١. صدقَ القائلونَ إنك يا خا
لدُ أصبحتَ تظلمُ الشوكيّا
2. Yet you have always been their mattress and blanket
The burden of caring for them weighs upon your shoulders
٢. تَدَّعي سَخْلَةً له ولأم
لم تزلْ تحتَهُ فِراشاً وَطيَّا
3. Though from their offspring you came, an odd young fellow
So fear Allah, rather treat your uncle as an old man
٣. ثِقلُ أوراكِها على عاتِقَيه
ولك النسلُ جئتَ شيئاً فَرِيّا
4. Who fears Allah lest he should ever be unjust
٤. فاتقِ اللَّهَ بل إخالكَ شيخاً
يَتَّقِي اللَّه أن يكون تقيّا