1. A master of qualities charms us
A crow among the songstresses
١. إلفٌ لنا بارعُ الصفات
غرابُ بَيْنِ المُغنِّياتِ
2. Grieved, he made our month tearful
Transcending steadfastness, imposing
٢. مُكدَّحٌ شهرَنا بكيٌّ
مطفَّلٌ فائقُ الثباتِ
3. People do not feel safe from his attacking
Or from his departing or staying
٣. لا يؤمنُ الناسُ من غُدُوٍّ
ولا رواحٍ ولا بياتِ
4. He bought the houses from their owners
And demanded people pay the tribute
٤. قد اشترى الدورَ من ذويها
وطالبَ القومَ بالبَتاتِ
5. O Muslims, mobilize altogether
Against him or mobilize to stand firm
٥. يا مسلمونَ انفروا جميعاً
إليه أوْ اِنْفروا ثُباتِ
6. With an amulet from Ukaydir’s amulets
That seizes eyes like drowsiness
٦. ذو رُقيةٍ من رُقى طُفيلٍ
يأخذُ بالعين كالسُّباتِ
7. My praise tempted the benefactors
His concern is to praise benefactresses
٧. أُغريَ بالمُحسنينَ وصفي
وهمُّهُ وصفُ محسناتِ
8. The face of his oppressed love is his desire
His concern is the clans of Euphrates
٨. ووجهُ مظلومة هواهُ
وهمُّها في بني الفُراتِ
9. He drinks wine every day
Even if it is dregs and crumbs
٩. يصطبحُ الخمرَ كلَّ يومٍ
ولو على الريق والفُتاتِ