1. I say to the hopeful Khaled when I saw him
Lost in those meadows, exhausted and worn
١. أقولُ لراجي خالدٍ إذ رأيته
وقد ضلَّ في تلك المخازي وقدْ وَنى
2. Let what has been said suffice you from what you say
So be not of those whom God curses with affliction
٢. ليكفيكَ ما قد قيل مما تقولُه
فلا تَكُ ممن يَعنِه اللَّه بالعَنا
3. Yes, name him or name one who packed his belongings
And suffice yourself with names that suffice and hints
٣. بلى سَمِّه أوسمِّ من ضمَّ رحلَهُ
وحسبُك بالأسماء تكفي وبالكُنى
4. Whenever desire feeds you ahead of Khaled
With a beautiful meaning, lacking any flaw
٤. متى أطعمتك النفسُ في سبق خالدٍ
بمعنىً بديعٍ ليس فيه من الخنا
5. For you, o deluded in what you hoped for
Are like one who hopes to outrun fate's wishes
٥. فإنك يا مغرور فيما رجوْتَهُ
كمن يرتجي سبق المقادير بالمُنى
6. He has women, if the night empowered his command
Soon the decline would come and he wouldn't resist
٦. له نسوةٌ لو مُلِّك الليلُ أمره
لأوشك عنهنَّ الزوالَ وما ثنا
7. When the hands of adulterers are handicapped with sorceresses
They hold up for the adulterer legs for adultery
٧. إذا دُفعتْ أيدي الزناةِ بسُحرةٍ
رفعن لمرتادِ الزنا أرجُلَ الزنا