1. A generous man was told that I spoke ill of him,
So he suspected though not certain, and judged not by himself.
١. كريمٌ أتاه أنني قلتُ مُنكراً
فظن ولم يوقن وما حك بالنفسِ
2. He punished me, though forbearance was between us,
With punishment without blows or painful imprisonment,
٢. فعاقبني والحلمُ بيني وبينهُ
عقاباً بلا ضرب أليمٍ ولا حَبس
3. But with musk and ambergris wafted around me,
So that enviers have no doubts about that.
٣. ولكن بشمِّ المسك والبان ذُوِّفا
فلا يكن الحساد من ذاك في لَبِس
4. Nor should they hope to darken a side like his
Against me - no darkening the sun's side!
٤. ولا يأملوا إظلام جانب مثلِهِ
عليَّ فلا إظلام في جانب الشمس