
You echoed back my praise after a long absence,

رددت علي مدحي بعد مطل

1. You echoed back my praise after a long absence,
Though you had soiled its new garb.

١. ردَدْتَ عليَّ مدحِي بعد مَطْلٍ
وقد دنَّسْتَ ملبسَه الجديدا

2. You said, "Praise with it whoever you wish but me!"
And who would accept insincere praise?

٢. وقلتَ امْدح به من شئتَ غيري
ومن ذا يقبل المدْح الرَّديدا

3. Especially when you have plunged into it
Your faults that will never perish.

٣. ولا سِيمَا وقد أعمَقْتَ فيه
مخازِيَكَ اللواتي لنْ تَبيدا

4. What use are clothes to the living in the shrouds of death,
Worn after they had filled with maggots?

٤. وما للْحَيِّ في أكْفان مَوْتٍ
لبوسٌ بعدما امتلأتْ صديدا