
Two festival staffs united in a feast

عيدان مجموعان في عيد

1. Two festival staffs united in a feast
A proof of confirmation and support

١. عيدان مجموعان في عيدِ
دليلُ تأكيد وتأيِيدِ

2. Nor was the Breaking of the Fast joined to the Assembly
Except for a king and for eternity

٢. ما جُمِع الفطرُ إلى جُمْعةٍ
إلا لِمُلك ولتخليدِ

3. And I did not say less than what I said
Except with success and guidance

٣. ولم أقل من ذاك ما قلتُه
إلا بتوفيق وتسديدِ

4. It is not from me but from you
O progeny of Sandiid the progeny of Sandiid

٤. وليس مِنِّي ذاك بل منكُمُ
يا نجْلَ صنديد فصنديد

5. Your days loved you with the narcissus
And comfort so drink without sipping

٥. حَبَتْكَ بالنَّرجِسِ أيامُه
والراحِ فاشرب غيرَ تصريدِ

6. To pleasing, enchanting, enjoyable listening
Sweeter than the success of appointments

٦. على سماعٍ مُطربٍ معجِبٍ
ألذَّ من نُجح المواعيدِ

7. And make it, O you who has always been glorious
In action connected to glorification

٧. واجعله يا من لم يزل ماجداً
في الفعل موصولاً بتمجيدِ

8. Not from cheeks darkened by beard
Rather from cheeks with softness

٨. لا من خدودٍ سوَّدتْها اللِّحَى
بل من خدودٍ ذاتِ توريدِ

9. Bring together for an eye and a pure mouth
Waters of cheeks and bunches of grapes

٩. تجمعْ لعينٍ وفمٍ طاهرٍ
ماءَيْ خدود وعناقيدِ

10. Below you, O Master of his peers
Strumming the pleasant, melodious, lyrical strings

١٠. دونك يا سيِّدَ أكفائه
عزف الحسان الخرَّد الغيدِ

11. So by the right opinion you were met
Your gathering between the feast and the song

١١. فمن صواب الرأي لُقِّيتَهُ
جمعُك بين العيد والغيدِ

12. And make the feast and its like
In the shade of blessings of renewal

١٢. وأَخلِق العيدَ وأمثاله
في ظل نعمى ذات تجديدِ

13. The world and its possessions still
Throw themselves to you with the keys

١٣. لا زالت الدنيا وأملاكُها
تُلقي إليكم بالمقاليدِ

14. And may God who established
For you the happinesses of births make firm

١٤. وشيَّد اللَّه الذي أسَّسَتْ
لكم سعاداتُ المواليدِ