1. A voice in the land of Jerusalem, its echo blazing,
The livers almost set aflame for it,
١. صوتٌ بأرض القدس مشتعل الصدى
كادت له الأكباد أن تتوقّدَا
2. When it moaned, crying among all mankind,
The tyranny of the enemies under the fires of hostility.
٢. لمّا تأوّهَ صارخًا بين الورى
أسيان يرزمُ تحت نيران العدا
3. Christ grieved for it, and were it not for his purity,
He would not have extended a palm or hand in mercy.
٣. جزع المسيح له ولولا طهرهُ
ما مدّ للرحمات كفًّا أو يَدا
4. Its monks in the West are a spring of wisdom,
Which never once enveloped the seeker of guidance.
٤. رُهبانهُ في الغرب منبع حكمةٍ
ما غلّفت يوماً لِمُلتَمِسِ الهُدى
5. They sipped from the Gospel the outpouring of its guidance,
And humbled themselves around the churches, bowing down.
٥. رشفوا منَ الإنجيل فيضَ رشادهِ
وتخشّعوا حول الهياكل سجّدا
6. And they upheld the epic of peace and sang its anthem
As a melody to the universe, heartening in its echo.
٦. وشدوْا بملحمةِ السلام ورنّمُوا
مزمورَهُ للكونِ خلاّبَ الصدى
7. But their people provoked a clamor
In the East, overflowing with the evils of havoc.
٧. لكنّ شعبَهُمُ أثارَ عجاجةً
في الشرقِ طافِحةً بأهوال الرّدى
8. So those teachings they proclaimed
Were lost in vain from the chapter of greed.
٨. فإذا التعاليم التي هتفوا بها
من سورةِ الأطماعِ قد ضاعت سُدى
9. And the tune of peace on their lips
Was blown away by their desires and scattered.
٩. وإذا بلحن السلم بين شفاههم
عصفت به شهواتُهُمْ فتبدّدَا
10. They took bullets as sacred law
And the shells of souls as guiding principles.
١٠. تخذوا الرصاص شريعةً قُدسيّةً
وقذائف الأرواح نهجاً مُرشدا
11. They did not fear history in their colonization,
However much they tyrannized it - the most splendid Master!
١١. لم يرهبوا التاريخ في استعمارهم
أنّى سَطَوْا وَكَزُوهُ أروعَ سيِّدا
12. They slapped it in sacred Jerusalem a slap,
The mountains almost collapsed from it.
١٢. لطموهُ في القدس المُحرّم لطمةً
كادت لها الأجبالُ أن تتهدّدا
13. The cradle of laws since ancient times -
It became for the free of the deserts a firebrand.
١٣. مهدُ الشرائع من قديمٍ مالهُ
أضحى لأحرار البريّة موقدا
14. In every one of its squares and alleys
One finds a martyr fallen dead in the dust.
١٤. في كل مرتبع بهِ وحنيّةٍ
تلقى صريعاً في التراب ممدّدا
15. The valiant mujahid deemed his own soul paltry
And so hastened to the basin of death seeking its spring.
١٥. هانت على البطل المجاهد نفسهُ
فسعى لحوض الموت يطلب موردا
16. He surrendered his soul to the raging flames,
And thus is the free man on the day of redemption.
١٦. ألقى إلى اللهب المسعر روحهُ
وكذا يكون الحر في يوم الفدا
17. God in the land of prophesy - from the evil
Of today's tyrants - gained a most bitter fortune.
١٧. اللهَ في وطن النبوة نال من
شرهِ الطغاة اليوم حظًّا أنكدا
18. The raging sedition inflamed His heart;
No church or mosque remained in it.
١٨. الفتنة الشعواء هاجت قلبهُ
لم تبقِ فيه كنيسةً أو مسجدا
19. It unleashed its despicable weapon of slavery,
Horrifying the fates whether shackled or loosed.
١٩. شرعت من الرق البغيض سلاحها
تتفزع الأقدار إما جردا
20. The weak cried out complaining of its horror,
But the blaze erased his scream and it wandered.
٢٠. صرخ الضعيف شكاية من هولها
فمحى اللهيب صراخه فتشرّدا
21. So imagine him, as his chest breathes its fire
From every breath that drips his liver.
٢١. فتخاله والصدر ينفث ناره
من كل زافرةٍ تريق الأكبدا
22. Once the butcher's hand settled his life's span,
He fulfilled his scream to the furthest extent.
٢٢. حملا يد الجزار دقت عمره
فقضى بصرخته على حدّ المدى
23. A disgraced affliction and raging death -
No elder remains in the fever or youth.
٢٣. محنٌ مرزّئةٌ وموتٌ عاصفٌ
لم يبق شيخا في الحمى أو أمردا
24. O Lord of a valley verdant in the morn,
Whose early buds the rain nourished and ripened!
٢٤. يا ربَّ وادٍ في الصباح منضّرٍ
غيسانَ باكرهُ السنا فتأوّدا
25. When events made it a victim,
And the smoke of death, darkest and coldest, spread,
٢٥. لما دهتهُ الحادثات ضُحيّةً
وسرى دخان الموت أقتم أربدا
26. Its youthful prime shook off its trinkets,
And dispersed, becoming completely bare.
٢٦. نفضتخمائلهُ شبيبة عمرها
وتصاوحت فغدت محيلا أجردا
27. What was their crime? What was the crime of their game
Who dwelt whistling in the shades reciting verse?
٢٧. ما ذنبها؟ ما ذنب صيدها الذي
قد كان يسجع في الظلائل منشدا
28. Their blossoms were choked and their tunes died out,
Shunning the beloved homeland to wander alone.
٢٨. خُنقت مزاهرهُ وماتَ نشيدهُ
ونأى عن الوطن الحبيب وأفردا
29. Had the zeal of the free not stirred his resting place,
He would have dwelled in his paradise singing joyfully!
٢٩. لولا هياج الحر ديس مهادهُ
لثوى بجنته وظلّ مغرّدا
30. O day of Balfour and your enduring ill-fortune!
Would that you had missed this promised time!
٣٠. يا يوم بلفورٍ وشؤمُك خالدٌ
ما ضرّ لو أخلفتَ هذا الموعدا
31. You entrusted the weaponless with their weapons -
Nothing but the truth cried out, fettered.
٣١. عاهدت أعزال الجسوم سلاحهم
ما كان إلا الحقُّ صاح مقيّدا
32. And you left them prey to greedy ambitions
Seeking from them the most enslaved of citizens.
٣٢. وتركتهم رهنَ المطامع تبتغي
منهم على حرٍّ المواطنِ أعبُدا
33. They rose up in God's land, the uprising of the helpless,
The strong heard their complaints and threatened.
٣٣. ثاروا بأرض الله ثورة عاجزٍ
سمع القوي شكاتَهُ فتوعّدا
34. They stormed over the shackles, the fervor of an ascetic,
Crowded by the sins of youth, so they rebelled.
٣٤. هاجوا على الأصفاد هيجةَ ناسكٍ
زحمتهُ آثام الصبا فتمرّدا
35. They attacked the sacred cave in the night,
Inciting its isolation as the sanctuary blazed.
٣٥. هجمت على الغار المُطهّر في الدجى
فأثار عزلتهُ وهاج المعبدا
36. They clamored over Nablus until, from the tumult
Of agony and grief, it almost collapsed.
٣٦. ضجّوا على نابُلسَ حتى كاد من
صخب الأسى والحزن أن يتنهّدا
37. Strangely, the boulder nearly weeps in mercy for them,
While the human heart is hardened!
٣٧. عجباً يكاد الصخر يدمع رحمةً
لهمُ وقلبُ الآدميّ تصلدا
38. And the features of Islam in their midst
Nearly roared in yearning and blazed up.
٣٨. ومعالم الإسلام بين ربوعهمُ
كادت تزمجر لهفةً وتوجّدا
39. It extended to the foreigner's feet its expanses,
But he detested its dispensations and threatened.
٣٩. بسطت إلى قدم النزيل رحابها
فبغى على قسماتها وتهدّدا
40. He who, were it not for the bliss of its shade,
Would have spent his existence wandering destitute!
٤٠. وهو الذي لولا نعيم ظلالها
لمضى على كنف الوجود مشرّدا
41. And the East - oh the East! - its lions slept
While one in Jerusalem roared and thundered!
٤١. والشرق ويح الشرق نام أسودهُ
عن ثائرٍ في القدس ضجّ وأرعدا
42. Their resolves were paralyzed and their jihad slept,
And they were strewn dead in every cradle!
٤٢. شلّت عزائمهم ونام جهادهم
وتصرّعوا في كل مهدٍ هُجّدا!