
Would that we had Amr's royal dwelling-place

فليت لنا مكان الملك عمرو

1. Would that we had Amr's royal dwelling-place,
A refuge round our tents when hot winds blow,

١. فَلَيتَ لَنا مَكانَ المَلكِ عَمروٍ
رَغوثاً حَولَ قُبَّتِنا تَخورُ

2. Where antelopes in plenty gather, pacing
Slowly, protected by the hunting bow!

٢. مِنَ الزَمِراتِ أَسبَلَ قادِماها
وَضَرَّتُها مُرَكَّنَةٌ دَرورُ

3. The palms there side by side give us their bounty,
And sheep stand by, too numerous to know.

٣. يُشارِكُنا لَنا رَخِلانِ فيها
وَتَعلوها الكِباشُ فَما تَنورُ

4. By your life, Kābūs ibn Wushmgīr will mix
His kingship's power with treachery and woe!

٤. لَعَمرُكَ إِنَّ قابوسَ بنَ هِندٍ
لَيَخلِطُ مُلكَهُ نوكٌ كَثيرُ

5. You have divided time into fair seasons,
So rule will aim at right, or work us wrong.

٥. قَسَمتَ الدَهرَ في زَمَنٍ رَخيٍّ
كَذاكَ الحُكمُ يَقصِدُ أَو يَجورُ

6. We have our day, the caravans have theirs.
Poor helpless creatures, we remain; they're gone

٦. لَنا يَومٌ وَلِلكِروانِ يَومٌ
تَطيرُ البائِساتُ وَلا نَطيرُ

7. Their day is unlucky; hawks with cruel claws
Chase them and scream disaster in their ears.

٧. فَأَمّا يَومُهُنَّ فَيَومُ نَحسٍ
تُطارِدُهُنَّ بِالحَدَبِ الصُقورُ

8. As for our day, we camp, a mounted band,
Halting or marching on with neither haste nor fears.

٨. وَأَمّا يَومُنا فَنَظَلُّ رَكباً
وُقوفاً ما نَحُلُّ وَما نَسيرُ