
My beloved, no - by God - my heart is not at peace

خليلي لا والله ما القلب سالم

1. My beloved, no - by God - my heart is not at peace
Though my face appears serene to those who see

١. خَليلَيَّ لا وَاللَهِ ما القَلبُ سالِمٌ
وَإِن ظَهَرَت مِنّي شَمائِلُ صاحِ

2. How else could I be when I have not witnessed the battle?
I lie as though laden with wounds

٢. وَإِلّا فَما بالي وَلَم أَشهَدِ الوَغى
أَبيتُ كَأَنّي مُثقَلٌ بِجِراحِ