
If you are in need of a messenger

إذا كنت في حاجة مرسلاً

1. If you are in need of a messenger
Then send a wise one, and do not describe him

١. إِذا كُنتَ في حاجَةٍ مُرسِلاً
فَأَرسِل حَكيماً وَلا توصِهِ

2. And if an advisor comes your way one day
Then do not distance yourself from him, and do not cut him off

٢. وَإِن ناصِحٌ مِنكَ يَوماً دَنا
فَلا تَنأَ عَنهُ وَلا تُقصِهِ

3. And if the door of a matter turns to you
Then consult an intelligent one, and do not disobey him

٣. وَإِن بابُ أَمرٍ عَلَيكَ اِلتَوى
فَشاوِر لَبيباً وَلا تَعصِهِ

4. And the one in the right, do not detract from his right
For estrangement lies in detracting from him

٤. وَذو الحَقِّ لا تَنتَقِص حَقَّهُ
فَإِنَّ القَطيعَةَ في نَقصِهِ

5. And do not mention fate in a gathering
Speaking of it, if you have not grasped it

٥. وَلا تَذكُرِ الدَهرَ في مَجلِسٍ
حَديثاً إِذا أَنتَ لَم تُحصِهِ

6. And direct the speech to its people
For security lies in its preciseness

٦. وَنُصَّ الحَديثَ إِلى أَهلِهِ
فَإِنَّ الوَثيقَةَ في نَصِّهِ

7. And do not be greedy, for many a greedy man
Is wretched because of his greed

٧. وَلا تَحرِصَنَّ فَرُبَّ اِمرِئٍ
حَريصٍ مُضاعٍ عَلى حِرصِهِ

8. And how many young men have lost their minds
Yet people are impressed by their appearance

٨. وَكَم مِن فَتىً ساقِطٍ عَقلُهُ
وَقَد يُعجَبُ الناسُ مِن شَخصِهِ

9. And another you reckon slow-witted
Yet he provides you the crux of the matter

٩. وَآخَرَ تَحسِبُهُ أَنوَكاً
وَيَأتيكَ بِالأَمرِ مِن فَصِّهِ

10. I wore out the nights, so they destroyed me
And time dressed me in its shirt

١٠. لَبِستُ اللَيالي فَأَفنَينَني
وَسَربَلَني الدَهرُ في قُمصِهِ