
How can one hope for an eternal life

فكيف يرجي المرء دهراً مخلداً

1. How can one hope for an eternal life
When his deeds for the little are brought to account

١. فَكَيفَ يُرَجّي المَرءُ دَهراً مُخَلَّداً
وَأَعمالُهُ عَمّا قَليلٍ تُحاسِبُه

2. Have you not seen Luqman the son of Aad
As the eagles gathered over him then faded were his stars

٢. أَلَم تَرَ لُقمانَ بنَ عادٍ تَتابَعَت
عَلَيهِ النُسورُ ثُمَّ غابَت كَواكِبُه

3. And for the difficult there are reasons that unfold its calamities
He stayed for a time then appeared his demands

٣. وَلِلصَعبِ أَسبابٌ تَجُلُّ خُطوبُها
أَقامَ زَماناً ثُمَّ بانَت مَطالِبُه

4. When the difficult two-horned let down his flags
To a possessor he named, rose his mourning parties

٤. إِذا الصَعبُ ذو القَرنَينِ أَرخى لِوائَهُ
إِلى مالِكٍ ساماهُ قامَت نَوادِبُه

5. He walks with resolute face and living is his assembly
And over the face of the land go his troops

٥. يَسيرُ بِوَجهِ الحَتفِ وَالعَيشُ جَمعُهُ
وَتَمضي عَلى وَجهِ البِلادِ كَتائِبُه