
To Khawla in ruined abodes from gathered hills

لخولة بالأجزاع من إضم طلل

1. To Khawla in ruined abodes from gathered hills
And in the foothills an established and endurable abode

١. لِخَولَةَ بِالأَجزاعِ مِن إِضَمٍ طَلَل
وَبِالسَفحِ مِن قَوٍّ مُقامٌ وَمُحتَمَل

2. Its squares her squares and its summer home
Waters from honored springs which pebbles are cast into

٢. تَرَبُّعُهُ مِرباعُها وَمَصيفُها
مِياهٌ مِنَ الأَشرافِ يُرمى بِها الحَجَل

3. So rain did not cease from a spring or summer
Upon her abode where she settled, with permanent residence

٣. فَلا زالَ غَيثٌ مِن رَبيعٍ وَصَيِّفٍ
عَلى دارِها حَيثُ اِستَقَرَّت لَهُ زَجَل

4. The south wind passed by her, then the northern wind blew
Whenever a wayfarer touched down, an unsettled one halted

٤. مَرَتهُ الجَنوبُ ثُمَّ هَبَّت لَهُ الصَبا
إِذا مَسَّ مِنها مَسكَناً عُدمُلٌ نَزَل

5. As if the rooms in it lost their squares
And a refuge when its thunder shakes them, they huddle

٥. كَأَنَّ الخَلايا فيهِ ضَلَّت رِباعُها
وَعوذاً إِذا ما هَدَّهُ رَعدُهُ اِحتَفَل

6. It has a smooth liver of climbing plants
That their intertwining ropes have not come undone

٦. لَها كَبِدٌ مَلساءُ ذاتُ أَسِرَّةٍ
وَكَشحانِ لَم يَنقُض طِوائُهُما الحَبَل

7. If I say, does a lover attain rest in Lubana?
Then the affairs of love pass from the first Khawla

٧. إِذا قُلتُ هَل يَسلو اللُبانَةَ عاشِقٌ
تَمُرُّ شُؤونُ الحُبِّ مِن خَولَةَ الأَوَل

8. And complaining has not increased you except to one who denies
You remain weeping by him, but he has no shelter

٨. وَما زادَكَ الشَكوى إِلى مُتَنَكِّرٍ
تَظَلُّ بِهِ تَبكي وَلَيسَ بِهِ مَظَل

9. When will you see a day of her abode
Even if a year passes, the eye becomes bleary or confused

٩. مَتى تَرَ يَوماً عَرصَةً مِن دِيارِها
وَلَو فَرطَ حَولٍ تَسجُمُ العَينُ أَو تُهَل

10. So say to the specter of Hanchaliya, return
To her, for I am a continuous rope of one who is united

١٠. فَقُل لِخَيالِ الحَنظَليَّةِ يَنقَلِب
إِلَيها فَإِنّي واصِلٌ حَبلَ مَن وَصَل

11. Verily, I only weep for a day I faced
With intense cold, all that came after was decline

١١. أَلا إِنَّما أَبكي لِيَومٍ لَقيتُهُ
بِجُرثُمَ قاسٍ كُلُّ ما بَعدَهُ جَلَل

12. When what is inevitable comes, then welcome
To it when it comes, no lies and no excuses

١٢. إِذا جاءَ ما لا بُدَّ مِنهُ فَمَرحَباً
بِهِ حينَ يَأتي لا كِذابٌ وَلا عِلَل

13. Verily, I drank the blackness of your condition
How abundant my tears from the drink! How abundant!

١٣. أَلا إِنَّني شَرِبتُ أَسوَدَ حالِكاً
أَلا بَجَلي مِنَ الشَرابِ أَلا بَجَل

14. So do not recognize me if I called upon you
Like one calling to heedlessness, unanswered and unceasing

١٤. فَلا أَعرِفَنّي إِن نَشَدتُكَ ذِمَّتي
كَداعي هَديلٍ لا يُجابُ وَلا يَمَل