
You do not see, by the right of Wardeh among you,

ما تنظرون بحق وردة فيكم

1. You do not see, by the right of Wardeh among you,
The little ones and Wardeh's kinsmen are absent,

١. ما تَنظُرونَ بِحَقِّ وَردَةَ فيكُمُ
صَغُرَ البَنونَ وَرَهطُ وَردَةَ غُيَّبُ

2. The great matter may be started by the little one,
Until blood continues to flow for him,

٢. قَد يَبعَثُ الأَمرَ العَظيمَ صَغيرُهُ
حَتّى تَظَلَّ لَهُ الدِماءُ تَصَبَّبُ

3. And injustice separated between Hayy and Wail,
The young camels are made to drink death and overwhelmed,

٣. وَالظُلمُ فَرَّقَ بَينَ حَيَّي وائِلٍ
بَكرٌ تُساقيها المَنايا تَغلِبُ

4. Injustice may bring ripe fruits that
Mix with chaff and are picked unripe,

٤. قَد يورِدُ الظُلمُ المُبَيَّنُ آجِناً
مِلحاً يُخالَطُ بِالذُعافِ وَيُقشَبُ

5. And the shame of one who does not awaken is infectious,
Like the healthy infects the one-eyed,

٥. وَقِرافُ مَن لا يَستَفيقُ دَعارَةً
يُعدي كَما يُعدي الصَحيحَ الأَجرَبُ

6. Sin is an ailment whose cure cannot be hoped for,
While righteousness is a cure in which there is no defect,

٦. وَالإِثمُ داءٌ لَيسَ يُرجى بُرؤُهُ
وَالبِرُّ بُرءٌ لَيسَ فيهِ مَعطَبُ

7. Truth is befriended by the honorable hoped-for one,
While falsehood is befriended by the despised failure,

٧. وَالصِدقُ يَألَفُهُ الكَريمُ المُرتَجى
وَالكِذبُ يَألَفَهُ الدَنيءُ الأَخيَبُ

8. And it has become clear to me that he will overcome me,
What overcame Aad and the generations, so they branched out,

٨. وَلَقَد بَدا لِيَ أَنَّهُ سَيَغولُني
ما غالَ عاداً وَالقُرونَ فَأَشعَبوا

9. Fulfill the rights and your honor will be spared for you,
For the honorable, when warred upon, gets angry.

٩. أَدّوا الحُقوقَ تَفِر لَكُم أَعراضُكُم
إِنَّ الكَريمَ إِذا يُحَرَّبُ يَغضَبُ