
May God reward the son of al-Ghunna doubly for what

جزى الله عني ابن الغنية ضعف ما

1. May God reward the son of al-Ghunna doubly for what
He rewarded any benefactor among His creation for his deeds

١. جَزَى اللَّهُ عَنِّي ابنَ الغنيَّةِ ضعفَ مَا
جَزَى مُحْسنٌ من خَلْقِهِ بِفِعَالِهِ

2. By my life, he anticipated generosity voluntarily
And took the initiative of kindness after being asked

٢. لَعَمْري لَقَدْ أوْلَى الجَميلَ تَبَرُّعاً
وبَادَرَ بالمَعْروفِ بَعدَ سُؤَالِهِ

3. And the strangest thing I received from him was his sending
me the body of al-Shanfara after his uncle

٣. وأغرَبُ ما لاقَيتُهُ مِنهُ بَعثُهُ
إليَّ بِجسمِ الشَّنفَرَى بعد خَالِهِ