1. Oh people, time holds nothing for me
Since it was excessive in harm and transgression
١. أَلا يا قومُ ما للدهْرِ عِندي
لأَسَرَفَ في الإسَاءَةِ والتعدِّي
2. It made holes in my family so I remained alone
To face alone the vicissitudes of time
٢. تَخَرَّمَ أُسْرتي فَبَقيْتُ فَرْداً
أُبَارِزُ نَائِبَاتِ الدَّهْرِ وَحْدِي
3. It turned away from my dear loved ones so it inflicted
With their loss, sorrows that tear my guts
٣. وكَرَّ على ذَوِي ودِّي فأورَى
بفقدِهِمُ من الأَحْزَانِ زَنْدِي
4. My eyes were not created for any tears other than mine
Nor my cheeks for the course of any tears other than theirs
٤. فما خُلِقَتْ لِدَمْعٍ غَيرُ عَيني
ولا مَجْرًى لِدَمعٍ غَيرُ خَدِّي
5. If only when time destroyed my clan
And shook the pillars of my glory and pride
٥. لَوَ انَّ الدهرَ حينَ أبادَ رَهْطي
وقعقعَ من مَبَانِي العزِّ عُمْدي
6. And finished off the elite of my people
Then bent to destroy my loved ones after that
٦. وأفنَى الغُرَّ من سَرَوَاتِ قَومي
وثَنَّى بعد ذَاكَ بأهلِ وِدِّي
7. It would have helped me against it
So I could have been good when it was bad and during my bliss
٧. تدارَكني فأوفَدني عليهِمْ
لأَحْسَنَ حيثُ سَاءَ وكان سَعْدِي
8. When I lament the loss of a generous brother
I am thrown from one brother to another
٨. إذَا استعْظمتُ فَقْدَ أَخٍ كَرِيمٍ
رَمَاني من أَخٍ ثَانٍ بِفَقْدِ
9. So who do I have that I die in front of a tribe
That people console after me for my loss
٩. فَمَنْ لي أَنْ أَموتَ أمَامَ خِلٍّ
تُعَزِّيهِ الأنامُ عَلَيَّ بَعْدي
10. And I did not seek refuge in an ally
Even if the hand of time scarred me
١٠. وكنتُ لا ألوذُ بمُستَغَاثٍ
وإن ثَلَمَتْ يدُ الأَيَّامِ حَدِّي
11. Does the compassion of a sympathiser pity me
I almost pitied my opponent
١١. أَليجُ من الحِمامِ على حَميمي
وجدتُ فكدتُ أرْحَمُ منه ضِدِّي
12. So whoever haughtiness empowered and he dismissed
What people say, does he have vengeance so he takes vengeance
١٢. فَمَنْ شَمَخَ الإِبَاءُ به وألغَى
مَقَالَ الناسِ هل مُعْدٍ فيُعدي
13. So here I am, during the days of my time
I have avenged even if I faced a thousand avengers
١٣. فَهَا أَنَذَا على أيامِ دَهْري
قد استعديتُ لو أَلفيتُ مُعْدي
14. And from the drunkenness that has departed the eyelids
With their tears like a wide wound
١٤. ومِمَّا غَادرَ الأجفانَ سَكْرَى
بأدمعِهِنَّ كالقَرْحِ المُمَدِّ
15. And it led me to the meadows of worry until
I became distressed while the worries of people are trivial to me
١٥. وأورَدَني حِيَاضَ الهمِّ حتَّى
صدرتُ وهَمُّ أهلِ الأرضِ عِندي
16. What people consider misfortunes in which there is
Great calamity of money and children
١٦. مَصائبُ هَانَ عند الناسِ فيها
عظيمُ الرُزءِ من مالٍ ووُلْدِ
17. It anchored its camel at the clan of Ali
The descent of my brother among them and their visitor
١٧. أناختْ بَرْكَها ببَنِي عَلِيٍّ
نُزُولَ أخِي قِرىً فيهِمْ ورِفْدِ
18. They hosted their souls and nothing
Is more dear than the souls hosted
١٨. قَرَوْهُنَّ النفوسَ وليس شيءٌ
أَعزَّ من النفوسِ قِرىً لوَفْدِ
19. So after their gathering they became scattered
As if a hand had scattered necklace beads
١٩. فأضْحَوا بعد جَمْعِهِمُ فُرَادَى
كما نَثَرَتْ يدٌ خَرَزَاتِ عِقْدِ
20. Oh my God, what nights threw at them
Of the excellent ancestors, visitors of the past
٢٠. فيا لِلّهِ ما رَمَتِ الليالي
بهِ الساداتُ من سَلَفَيْ مَعَدِّ
21. One corpse betrayed their gathering then another corpse
Taken aside with it to a grave then a grave
٢١. تخوَّنَ جَمْعَهُمْ مَيتٌ فَمَيْتٌ
يُسَارُ بِهِ إلى لَحْدٍ فَلَحْدِ
22. Repeating for them the evening of their day
The atmosphere of bereavement whose morning reveals
٢٢. يُعيدُ مَسَاءَ يومِهِمُ عليهِمْ
جَوَى ثَكْلٍ له الإصباحُ يُبْدِي
23. It irrigated the youths of Mashhad and even if
They were raised to eternal gardens
٢٣. سَقَى الأجداثَ شَرقيَّ المُصَلَّى
وإن رُفِعَتْ إلى جنَّاتِ خُلْدِ
24. Alive defeating doctors unless
My tears on the youths revive
٢٤. حَياً متَهزِّمُ الأَطْبَاءِ إنْ لم
يكنْ دَمْعِي على الأجْداثِ يُجْدِي
25. And the breeze blows dragging behind it
A tail passing through any grove
٢٥. وجَرَّ بِها نسيمُ الريحِ ذَيْلاً
يَمُرُّ بهِ على بَانٍ ورَنْدِ
26. So how many pure souls and Indian swords
It carried to its plains
٢٦. فكمْ حَمَلَتْ إلى ساحاتِها مِنْ
قَناً خَطِّيَةٍ وسُيُوفِ هِنْدِ
27. Elders like firmly fixed spears, gray hair
And young men like Indian unsheathed blades
٢٧. كُهُولٌ كالرِّمَاحِ اللُّدْنِ شِيْبٌ
وأَغلمةٌ كَبِيْضِ الهِنْدِ مُرْدِ
28. And each generous, well-mannered girl is not
Like Indian women or willowy sand dunes
٢٨. وكلُّ كَرِيمَةِ الأَبَوَيْنِ ليستْ
كهندٍ في النِّسَاءِ ولا كَدَعْدِ
29. Chaste in what dress conceals the abdomen
Of righteousness and asceticism
٢٩. عفيفةُ ما يُكِنُّ الخِدْرُ ملء الْ
مُلاَءَةِ مِن صَلاَحةِ بَلْهَ زُهْدِ
30. And not like the one who yesterday took away
The purity of birth and the Height of ancestors
٣٠. ولا مِثْلُ التي بالأَمْسِ أودتْ
طَهَارَةَ مَوْلِدٍ وسُمُوَّ جَدِّ
31. She fulfilled a promise on the traces of another
Who came together two seekers of a promise
٣١. قضَتْ نَحْباً على آثَارِ أُخْرَى
تَوَافِيَ سَاعِيَيْن مَعاً لِوَعْدِ
32. The two for a father if you grieve and a mother
The return of the two shrouds together to the hide
٣٢. هُمَا لأَبٍ إذَا اعْتُزِيَا وأُمٍّ
رُجُوعَ القِدَّتَينِ معاً لِجِلْدِ
33. So oh two of noble origin and religion
And oh my two of honor and glory
٣٣. فيا لكريمتَي حَسَبٍ ودِيْنٍ
ويا لعَقِيلَتي شَرَفٍ ومَجْدِ
34. The misfortune of both is a fire so this
Burns a heart and that consumes a liver
٣٤. كلا رُزْأَيْهِمَا نَارٌ فَهَذَا
لَظَى قلبٍ وذَاكَ حَرِيقُ كِبْدِ
35. And the in-law got a third so it took away
The intimacy of the two as if misfortune spreads
٣٥. ونَالَ الصهرُ ثالثةً فأودتْ
خِلالَهما كأنَّ الرزءَ يُعْدِي
36. Three whom the glorious women of a house never attained
In their shoulders any decline in stature or honor
٣٦. ثلاثٌ ما سَمَتْ علياءُ بَيْتٍ
بِغَوْرٍ في مَنَاكِبِها ونَجْدِ
37. On an example for them of piety, religion
And good roots and abundant proper conduct
٣٧. على مَثَلٍ لَهُنَّ تُقىً ودِيناً
وطِيبَ مَغَارسٍ ووُفُورَ رُشْدِ
38. Those are the best that a shroud covered
And the most generous who dragged the train of their gown
٣٨. أولئِكَ خَيرُ مَنْ وَارَاهُ سِتْرٌ
وأكرمُ من سَحَبْنَ فُضُولَ بُرْدِ
39. They descended from distinction to a place
That distinguishes them from favors and gifts
٣٩. نَزَلْنَ من النَّباهَةِ في مَكَانٍ
يُميّزُهُنَّ عن نُعْمٍ وهندِ
40. The daughters of fatherhood not like virginity
When men are counted nor like happiness
٤٠. بناتُ أُبوَّةٍ ليستْ كبَكْرٍ
إذا عُدَّ الرجالُ ولا كَسَعْدِ
41. Their qualities if bad qualities are blamed
Are commendable without their absence with a barrier
٤١. سَجَاياها إذَا ذُمَّ السَّجَايَا
ضَوَاربُ دُونَ غِيبتِها بِسَدِّ
42. Free women whom the world has not tempted for a husband
With the clinking of jewelry or the words of a slave
٤٢. حَرَائِرُ ما أَغَرْنَ الدهرَ بَعْلاً
بجرسِ حُلِيْ ولا تكليمِ عَبْدِ
43. They were accustomed to their homes secluded like the bird
On nest storehouses, calm
٤٣. أَلِفْنَ بيوتَهُنَّ عُكُوفَ طَيْرٍ
على مُسْتَودَعَاتِ الوَكْرِ رُبْدِ
44. So they did not know any house but the home
Other than a grave they inhabited and a cradle
٤٤. فلم يعرفْنَ غيرَ البيتِ دَاراً
سِوَى لحدٍ سَكَنَّ بِهِ ومَهْدِ
45. But if they had only been for the Arabs the meadows
And they had viewed the girls with ascetic eyes
٤٥. أما لو كنَّ للعَرَبِ المواضي
وقد نَظَروا البناتِ بعَينِ زُهْدِ
46. Then their daughters would have been too good for them
And no female would have been buried alive for them
٤٦. إذن كَرُمَتْ بناتُهُمُ عليهِمْ
وما أَوْدَتْ لهم أُنثَى بِوَأْدِ
47. But if other than death had extended
Its hands to them and lifetimes were flowing
٤٧. أَمَا لو كَانَ غَيرُ الموتِ مُدَّتْ
يَدَاهُ لَهنَّ والآجالُ تُرْدِي
48. The earth almost would have been leveled from what
The steeds of horses treaded trampling over it
٤٨. لكادتْ أن تسوخَ الأرضُ ممّا
تَظَلُّ بها جيادُ الخيلِ تُرْدِي
49. Over it the warriors from the heights of glorious Quraish
Possessors of resolve and the strongest determination
٤٩. عليها الشُّوسُ منْ عُلْيا قُرَيشٍ
أُولي النَّجَداتِ والعَزْمِ الأَشَدِّ
50. If you called upon them angry they would come to you
As you growled in the forests of lions
٥٠. إذا استصرختَهم وَافُوكَ غَضْبَى
كما هَجْهَجْتَ في غاباتِ أُسْدِ
51. With every polished lance, gentle curved
And every Indian sharpened sword
٥١. بِكُلِّ مُثَقَّفِ الأُنْبُوبِ لَدْنِ الْ
مَهَزِّ وكلِّ مَصْقُولِ الفِرَنْدِ
52. As if you disdain to seek help from them
With the two-spear wielder or Amr ibn Wudd
٥٢. كأنَّكَ تَسْتكِفُّ الخَطْبَ مِنْهُمْ
بِذِي الرُّمْحَينِ أَو عَمرو بنِ وُدِّ
53. The clan of Abdelrawouf and every living
Tribe whose death is the brother of walking honor
٥٣. بني عبدالرءوفِ وكلُّ حيٍّ
لِمصرعِهِ أخو سَيْرٍ مُجِدِّ
54. Your consolation so the most rewarding of people
The brother of green faced it with praise
٥٤. عَزَاؤكُمُ فأوفَى النَّاسِ أَجْراً
أَخُو ضَرَّاءَ قابَلَها بِحَمْدِ
55. May you be ransomed from he who competes with you and hides
For you under his ribs the burning embers of hatred
٥٥. فِدَاكُمْ من يكاثرُكُمْ ويُخْفِي
لَكُمْ تحتَ الضُّلُوعِ غَلِيلَ حِقْدِ
56. I inform you and there is no harm in that
For people are both guided and misguided
٥٦. أُنبِّئُكُمْ وما في ذَاكَ بأسٌ
فَهَذَا الناسُ من هَادٍ ومَهْدِي
57. That I am better than he whom you pastured
For you affection and was most loyal to the pact
٥٧. بِأَنِّي خَيرُ من أَرعَيتُمُوهُ
لَكُمْ وِدّاً وأَوفَاهُ بِعَهْدِ
58. You have tried brothers other than me
And you have frequent dealings so did they fill my place?
٥٨. فقد جَرَّبتُمُ الإخوانَ غَيري
وأكثرتُمْ فَهَلْ سَدُّوا مَسَدِّي
59. So do not cling to the ropes of other than me
Even if they cling to the bonds of affection
٥٩. فلا تتمسَّكُوا بِحِبالِ غَيرِي
وإنْ ما استمسكُوا بِعُرَى مُوِدِّ
60. Without you lacking favor upon you
Is the praise of a distinguished one in solo poetry
٦٠. ودونَكُمُ بلا مَنٍّ عليكمْ
ثَنَاءَ مُبَرَّزٍ في النظمِ فَرْدِ
61. He excels in extracting the water of meanings
So he produces it while the digging of people exhausts
٦١. يُجيدُ الحفرَ عن ماءِ المَعَاني
فَيُنْبِطُهُ وحَفْرُ الناسِ يُكدِي
62. The people share with me in poetry the claim
That I am the distinguished one in it, alone
٦٢. تُشَاركُنِي الورَى في الشِّعْرِ دَعْوَى
على أَنِّي المَبَرَّزُ فيهِ وحدِي