
O my companion, my hair has turned white

يا خليلي من ذؤابة شيبان

1. O my companion, my hair has turned white
From sorrow, and so the companion is called to account

١. يا خَليليَّ مِنْ ذُؤابَةَ شيبا
نَ ويُدْعَى لِمَا يَنُوبُ الخَليلُ

2. This young man who has branded poetry
With shame will not, I think, escape

٢. إنَّ هَذا الفتَى الذي وسَمَ الشعْ
رَ بِعَارٍ ما أنْ نَرَاهُ يَزُولُ

3. He has outgrown the ignorance of youth
And attacked excellence, so he is its victim

٣. قَد نَضَا مُدْيةَ الجَهَالةِ يَفْرِي
وَدَجَ الفَضْلِ فَهوَ منهُ قَتيلُ

4. O protectors of poetry, rise to take vengeance
The matter, if you but knew, is serious

٤. يا حُمَاةَ القَريضِ هُبُّوا لأَخْذِ الثْ
ثارِ فالخَطْبُ لَوْ عَلِمتُمْ جَلِيلُ

5. And take from the slanderer of verse measure for measure
For it is not wise to leave insults unanswered

٥. وخُذُوا بالتّراتِ من قَائِلِ الشعْ
رِ فَمَا الحَزْمُ أنْ تُضَاعَ الذُّحُولُ

6. His mouth is foul with the fat of poetry though he knows not
What is subject and what object

٦. لاَكَ في فِيهِ شَحْمَةَ الشِّعْرِ مَنْ لمْ
يَدْرِ ما فَاعِلٌ ولا مَفْعُولُ

7. And he claimed the rank of eloquence in his words
A fool who knew not what he was saying

٧. وادَّعَى رُتْبةَ البَلاغَةِ في القَوْ
لِ غَبيٌّ لَمْ يَدْرِ إيش يَقُولُ

8. And he assailed my honor, which did not please him
Until he went too far and was completely shamed

٨. وأكَولٌ عِرْضِي فَمَا ساغَهَ حتَّ
تَى غَدَا بَعدَ ذَاكَ وهوَ أكِيلُ

9. He stretched out to me a puny arm but could not reach
Until a tall seller bent it back

٩. مَدَّ لِي سَاعِداً قَصيراً فَلَمْ يَلْ
بَثْ إلى أنْ ثَنَاهُ بَاعٌ طَويلُ

10. I am one whose absence the wastelands can hardly bear
Except that he insulted me when I was weak

١٠. أنَا مَنْ لا يُسيغُ غَيبتُهُ البَا
دِنُ إلاَّ ثَنَتْهُ وهوَ هَزيلُ

11. And when the mighty attempt the lowly
And God refuses, the mighty become lowly

١١. وإذَا ما العَزيزُ حَاوَلَ ذُلِّي
وأبَى اللَّهُ فالعَزيزُ ذَليلُ