
O masters, the hands of fate have drawn them away from me,

يا سادة أبعدت أيدي النوى بهم

1. O masters, the hands of fate have drawn them away from me,
Depriving me of the sweetness of my days as they departed.

١. يَا سَادَةً أَبعَدَتْ أَيدِيَ النَّوَى بِهِمُ
عنِّي لذاذةَ أيَّامِي كَما بَعُدُوا

2. You built, but no hand of yours waved farewell to me,
Nor did any of you ease my heart by delaying.

٢. بِنْتُمْ فَما عَطَفَتْ لِي في الوَدَاعِ يَدٌ
مِنْكُمْ ولا بَلَّ بالتَّسْويفِ لِي كَبِدُ