1. Greetings caress your air and their fragrance reaches you,
And praise spreads with a scent that chooses you.
١. سَلاَمٌ يُغَادِي جَوَّكُمْ ويُرَاوحُهْ
ونَشْرُ ثَنَاءٍ يَنْتَحِيكُمْ رَوائِحُهْ
2. Supplication still upheld carries you
On the shoulder of the auspicious north wind prospering you.
٢. ولا زَالَ مَرْفُوعُ الدُّعَاءِ يَؤُمُّكُمْ
عَلَى كَاهِلِ البَرْقِ الشَّماليِّ صَالحُهْ
3. My loved ones - a person may call
A far-off brother when his grievance overwhelms him.
٣. أأحبَابَنَا والمَرْءُ يا ربَّما دَعَا
أخَا النأْيِ إنْ ضَاقَتْ عَلَيهِ منادِحُهْ
4. Has time brought me nearer to you? For I am cold
With yearning whose ardor kindles the heart it envelops.
٤. هَلِ الدَّهْرُ مُدْنِينِي إلَيكُمْ فمُبْرِدٌ
لهيبَ اشْتياقٍ يَرْمُضُ القَلْبَ لافحُهْ
5. And tears that freeze whenever the promptings
Of your love make my eyelids flow with weeping.
٥. ومُجمِدُ دَمعٍ كُلَّمَا هَتَفَتْ بِهِ
دَوَاعِي هَوَاكُمْ أقرَحَ الجَفْنَ سَافحُهْ
6. Enough of sorrow that I am alone in Shiraz
Waking early, saddened by desolation, spending my day.
٦. كفَى حَزَناً أنِّي بشِيراز مُفْرَدٌ
أبَاكِرُ ما يُضْنِي الحَشَا وأُراوحُهْ
7. And bearing worries that, were they to alight enfeebled,
Would wither and the calamities looming over them would rise high.
٧. وفَردُ هُمُومٍ لَوْ تَضَيَّفْنَ يَذْبُلاً
تَضَاءَلَ واسْتعلَتْ عَلَيهِ أباطحُهْ
8. And a longing - if its years grew old to the companion of gloom -
Its glow would suffice him, needing no lamps' light.
٨. وشَوقاً لَو اسْتجْلَى سَنَاهُ أخُو الدُّجَى
لأغْنَاهُ عن ضوءِ المَصَابيحِ قَادحُهْ
9. And eyes that show me their lids convulsing
With pain that strips endurance bare and lays it open.
٩. وَعَيناً تُرينِي جَفْنَهَا في اخْتلاجِهِ
من الضُّرِّ ما يسترحلُ الصَّبْرَ فادحُهْ
10. The morrow came, and it is the title page of events,
Before it the hidden and the manifest tribulations.
١٠. غَدَا وهو عُنْوانُ الحَوَادثِ فاسْتَوَى
لَدَيهِ بِهِ خَافِيَ البَلاءِ وواضحُهْ
11. And there are things too narrow for verse, some of them
Taking refuge in the shade of reticence that reveals them.
١١. وأشياءُ ضَاقَ النَّظْمُ عَنْهَا وبَعْضُهَا
يَلُوذُ بِظِلِّ الاسْتِقالةِ شَارحُهْ
12. I grieve, and meet none but the dawn's caller
Casting my troubles and I hurl them away.
١٢. أَحِنُّ فَلا ألقَى سِوَى هَاتفِ الضُّحَى
يُطَارِحُنِي شكوَى النَّوَى وأُطَارحُهْ
13. It cuts the hours of daylight with its wailing
Until it sees the face of darkness greeting it.
١٣. يُقَطِّعُ آناءَ النَّهَارِ بنوحِهِ
إلى أَنْ يَرَى وجهَ الظَّلامِ يُصَافِحُهْ
14. And it has, after stillness, a bout
And another - the most woeful of crying when its mourner is not restrained.
١٤. وإنَّ لَهُ بَعْدَ الهُدُوِّ لَعَوْلَةً
وأُخْرَى وأشْجَى النَّوْحِ مَا لَجَّ نائِحُهْ
15. It complained of my loneliness - a lament and remoteness - so
Its leaves sobbed at what makes its feathers tremble.
١٥. شَكَا وَحْشَتِي شَجْنٌ ونَأْيٌ فَأَجْهشَتْ
لَهُ وُرْقُهُ مِمَّا تَجِنُّ جَوَارِحُهْ
16. When it flaps its wings but they fail it
Its trilling comes near to making its sides bleed.
١٦. يَكَادُ إذَا هَزَّ الجَنَاحَ فَخَانَهُ
تُقَصُّ بِتَرْجيعِ الحَنِينِ جَوانِحُهْ
17. Except that it has a companion, so if it calls
Its companions answer from nearby places.
١٧. خَلاَ أنَّهُ ذُو رفْقَةٍ فمَتَى دَعَا
تُجبْهُ على قُرْبِ المكَانِ صَوادحُهْ
18. While when I miss you, between you and me are impediments -
The howling wilderness and the roaring torrents.
١٨. وإنِّي إذَا ما اشتقتُكُمْ حَالَ دُونَكُمْ
ودُونِيَ غِيطانُ الفَلا وصَحَاصِحُهْ
19. And the waves crashing with what the wind's hand toyed with
But the star surmounted the foam overwhelming it.
١٩. ومُلْتَطِمُ الأمْوَاجِ ما عَبَثَتْ بِهِ
يَدُ الرِّيحِ إلاَّ وامتَطَى النَّجْمَ طَافحُهْ
20. Though in prison, its life is most comfortable,
And the near and the remote dweller are not equal.
٢٠. علَى أنَّهُ في السِّجْنِ أرْغَدُ عيشِهِ
ولا يَسْتَوي دانِي القَرِيبِ ونَازحُهْ
21. Absence raids me with its tyranny
And from every atmosphere its cries call me.
٢١. يَشُنُّ عَلَيَّ البُعْدُ غَاراتِ جَورِهِ
وتَهْتفُ بي مِنْ كُلِّ جوٍّ صَوائِحُهْ
22. It is dominant - so let it sheathe its weapons, leaving
Me when I have no troops to fight it.
٢٢. لَهُ الغُلْبُ فليثْنِ الأعنّةَ مُبْقِياً
عَلَيَّ فمَا عِندِي جُنُودٌ تُكافحُهْ
23. Nor can the lone afflicted man brandish his spear
With a stab, or make his blades gleam with striking.
٢٣. ولا المفْردُ العَانِي يَهُزُّ رِمَاحَهُ
بِطَعْنٍ ولا يُنضِي لضربٍ صَفَائِحُهْ
24. The rain quenched the thirst of Hafsa's grave, and if the sky
Refused rain, her tears would have sufficed, pouring down.
٢٤. سَقَى جِدَّ حفصَ الغَيْثُ سَحّاً ولَوْ سَمَا
لَهَا الدَّمْعُ أغْنَاهَا عَنِ الغَيْثِ راشِحُهْ
25. The fluttering breeze, when it blows
Gently fans its air night and day.
٢٥. ولا زَالَ خَفَّاقُ النَّسِيمِ إذَا سَرَى
عَلِيلاً يُمَاسِي جَوَّهَا ويُصَابِحُهْ
26. A land where my heart stayed and did not
Stop, though you aspired bodily to leave it.
٢٦. بِلادٌ أقَامَ القَلْبُ فِيها فلَمْ يَزَلْ
وإنْ طَمَحْتَ بالجِسْمِ عَنْهَا طَوامحُهْ
27. Will God race to bring me back
To it - showing me tears that have gushed like tattoo marks?
٢٧. هَلِ اللَّهُ مُسْتَبِقٍ ذِمَامِي بِعودةٍ
إِلَيهَا يُرِيني الدَّمْعَ قد هَشَّ كالحُهْ
28. And will this distance be humbled, subdued,
And what prevented its ardour be tamed?
٢٨. ويُصبحُ هذا البُعْدُ قد رِيضَ صعبُهُ
وأمكَنَ من فَضْلِ المقَادةِ جامحُهْ