1. Has the beloved passed beyond the veiled tents
Where love's companions are veiled by mountain hyenas?
١. أَلاَ هَلْ تجاوَزْتَ الخِباءَ المحجَّبَا
بحيثُ ظِبَاءُ الأُنسِ تحجبُها الضُّبا
2. You stopped at a campsite on the winding path of passion
And sent back the greeting of Zainab in return
٢. وجُزْتَ على حَيٍّ بمُنعرِجِ اللِّوَى
فأَهديتَ مَرْجُوعَ التحيّةِ زَيْنَبا
3. If she insisted you wish her not farewell, the longing
To purify affection for her would be more incumbent
٣. فإنْ أَوْجَبَتْ أَن لا تَوَدَّ فَغَالِبٌ
من الشَّوقِ أن يُصْفَى لها الودُّ أوجبا
4. Or if she secluded herself behind the tents, we still have
Eyes that will forever picture that seclusion
٤. أو احتجبتْ خلفَ الخِباءِ فأعينٌ
لنا أبداً صُورٌ إلى ذلك الخِبَا
5. A love that prevented the guide from the right path
And fettered with the gazes of the beauties, so they accompanied
٥. هوىً مَنَعَ اللُّوَّامَ فَضْلَ قِيَادِهِ
وقِيْدَ بألحاظِ الحِسَانِ فَأَصْحَبَا
6. It persisted so my vigor was extinguished and failed him
The cutting edge of youth or it almost faded but did not
٦. تَمادَى فأبلَى جِدَّتي وخَبَا له
ضِرَامُ الصِّبَا أو كاد يخبُو وما خبا
7. When I said old age had desisted from him, the dissuaders
Returned to take control, not youth
٧. إذا قُلتُ كَفَّ الشَّيْبُ منه تَرَاجَعَتْ
نوازِعُ يستحوِذنَ من غِيَرِ الصِّبَا
8. Can a fire be quenched when its flames rage
By a handful of water in the gales of youth
٨. وهل تُستكَفُّ النارُ ما اشتدَّ وقدُها
ببلَّةِ مَاءٍ عند عَاصِفَةِ الصَّبَا
9. Or have you mastered the affection of men with her blame
I think you taught greediness to become more rapacious
٩. أَمُستَجلباً ودَّ الرجالِ بِعُتْبِها
أظنُّكَ عَلَّمتَ الطَّمَاعةَ أَشْعَبا
10. Goodness to you, if you know not the nature of people
Come, ask about what you do not know, o experienced one
١٠. لَكَ الخيرُ إن لم تدرِ ما خُلُقُ الورَى
تعالَ فَسَلْ عمَّا جَهِلْتَ المُجرِّبا
11. Let me tell you, I have not complained to a friend
Then complained nor reproached a comrade and then reproached
١١. أُنَبِّئْكَ أَنّي ما شَكَوْتُ لِصَاحبٍ
فأشْكى ولا استعتبتُ خِلاًّ فَأَعْتبا
12. May each individual among them be rewarded for his brotherhood
With the worst that a transgressor was rewarded and penalized
١٢. جَزَى كلُّ فَرْدٍ منهُمُ عَنْ إخائِهِ
بأسوأَ ما جُوزِيْ مُسِيءٌ وعُوقِبا
13. God watered and shepherded the intimate ones, how intense was their
Loyalty, affection, closeness and kinship
١٣. سَقَى ورعَى اللهُ الأُلى ما أشدَّهم
وفاءً وأدْنَاهم وِدَاداً وأَقْرَبا
14. They shared life with us but monopolized it
Giving the bad and keeping the best
١٤. هُمُ شَاطَرُونا العَيْشَ وانفردُوا بِهِ
خبيثاً وأعْطَوْا منه ما كَانَ أَطْيبا
15. Blame upon blaming temperaments, o people
Who see the brother of maternal lineage as a stranger
١٥. ولامَ على لَوْمِ السَّجَايا مَعَاشِراً
يَرَوْنَ أَخَا الرَّحْمِ القريبةِ أَجْنَبا
16. You see every newborn not know
A mother other than her or father but him
١٦. ترى كلَّ مولُودٍ على اللومِ لم يكنْ
ليعرفَ أُمّاً غَيرَ ذَاكَ ولا أبا
17. Greetings to the Hashimite young man, if you tasked him
With prophethood though the role would not suit him
١٧. وحيّا فَتىً من هَاشِمٍ لو حملتَهُ
على نَبْوةٍ والحَمْلُ فيها لما نَبَا
18. He tracked the plentiful vein, uprooting it
So praise flowed as it willed and irrigated
١٨. تَتبَّعَ عِرْقَ الوَفْرِ مُسْتأصِلاً لَهُ
فَرَوَّضَ ما شَاءَ الثناءُ وأَعْشَبا
19. And he preferred the prime of meanings, he would not
Incline to what among them was previously enjoyed
١٩. وآثَرَ أبكارَ المَعَاني فلم يكنْ
ليرغبَ فيما كَانَ منهنَّ ثيِّبا
20. I am amazed by him, he did not attain maturity yet that
Which you witness of his deeds is the deed of one grown old
٢٠. عَجِبْتُ لَهُ لم يبلغِ الحِلمَ والذي
تُعاينُهُ من فِعْلِهِ فِعْلَ أَشْيَبَا
21. O clan of Hashim, what do you have with Hatim
Leave him be, for you have left his generosity neglected
٢١. بَني هاشمٍ مَاذَا لكم عندَ حاتمٍ
دَعُوهُ فقد غَادَرْتُمُ جُودَه هَبَا
22. Whenever the love of your son Waleed extends to him
It hangs over him but does not approach or yearn
٢٢. متى ما يُطَاولْهُ حِباءُ وليدِكُمْ
يطُلْهُ وما دَانَى النهوضَ وما حَبَا
23. Delay a little from your father out of reverence
For one like you who revered his father showed reverence
٢٣. تأَخّرْ قليلاً عن أبيكَ تَأدُّباً
فمثِلُكَ من رَاعَى أَبَاهُ تأدُّباً
24. You have not been preceded in merit, it belongs
To you alone, not others in east and west
٢٤. فلستَ بمسبوقٍ على الفضلِ إنّهُ
لكم دونَ مَنْ في الأرضِ شَرْقاً ومَغْرِبا
25. When they seek it aggressively, they will only
Find one hastening to you and seeking
٢٥. متى طَلبُوهُ مُوجِفِينَ فإنَّما
يُوافونَه سَاعٍ لكم مُتَطَلِّبا
26. Goodness to you, leave the people some high status
So souls feel honored by you and rage subsides
٢٦. لَكَ الخيرُ دَعْ للناسِ شيئاً من العُلا
تطِبْ أنفسٌ حَرَّى عليكَ تَغضُّبا
27. You possessed its horizons from them but did not leave
A seeker therein any place to turn
٢٧. مَلَكْتَ أَقَاصِيها عليِهمْ فلم تَدَعْ
لطالِبِها أَنَّى تَوجَّهَ مَذْهَبا
28. You do not please them, for supremacy was not
To be granted, nor was pottery to be gifted
٢٨. وَلَسْتَ بِمُرضِيهمْ فما كانتِ العُلا
لتُعطَى ولا كَانَ الفَخَارُ ليُوهَبَا
29. A soul devoted to virtues has refused for you
To consider the brother of altruism blameworthy
٢٩. أبَتْ لَكَ نفسٌ بالمكارِمِ صَبَّةٌ
تعُدُّ أخا الإيثارِ بالفَضلِ مُذْنِبا
30. I swear by the flags of Mina and I
Will avoid breaching this sworn oath
٣٠. حَلَفْتُ بأَعلامِ المُحصَّبِ من مِنىً
وأُكرمُ عن حِنْثِ اليمينِ المُحصَّبا
31. I fear a father will fail to beget his equal
Though sons may multiply one day and be begotten
٣١. لأَعْوزَ أنْ يأتي أَبٌ بشبيهِهِ
وإنْ كَثُرَ الأبناءُ يوماً وأنجَبا
32. So O finest one his mother wrapped in the loincloth
As the tested sword is sheathed in its scabbard
٣٢. فَيَا خَيْرَ مَنْ لفَّتْهُ في الخِرَقِ امُّهُ
كما استُودِعَ الغِمْدُ الحسامَ المجرَّبا
33. You will clothe me in what the days have no power
To strip me of, or the horizon robe a planet
٣٣. لأَلبَسْتَنيْ ما ليسَ للدهْرِ قوّةٌ
بِسَلبيهِ أو لا يلبسُ الأفقُ كوكبا
34. And you burdened me with thanking one whose rest I have
I sacrifice you from a master who brings ease and burden
٣٤. وأتعبتَني في شُكْرِ مَنْ راحتي بِهِ
فديتُكَ من مَوْلًى أَرَاحَ وأَتْعَبا
35. So here I am, I have no craft but your praise
And it is only to say and to write
٣٥. فَهَا أَنَا ما لي غيرُ مَدْحِكَ حِرْفةً
وما هو إلاّ أن أَقُولَ وأكْتُبَا