
I did not expect, while the days were alluring

ما كنت أحسب والأيام مولعة

1. I did not expect, while the days were alluring
To humble the esteem of my noble brother and lineage,

١. ما كُنْتُ أَحْسَبُ والأيَّامُ مولَعَةٌ
بِخَفْضِ شَأنِ أخِي العَلْيَاءِ والحَسَبِ

2. That I would extend a hand to the most tender of both worlds
My hand to attach whatever ability I was granted.

٢. أنِّي أَمُدُّ لأَنْدَى العَالمينَ يَداً
يَدي لأعْلَقَ ما أُوتِيهِ من نَشَبِ

3. And if he rose above my father in
Status and I became an impoverished brother,

٣. ولو غَدَا وهوَ أعْلَى من أبِي كَرِبٍ
شأْناً وأصبَحتُ من فَقْرٍ أخَا كُرَبِ

4. Until I asked you, O most compassionate of men, for
My weakness you strengthened me, and O gentlest of creations, you supported me.

٤. حتَّى سَأَلتُكَ يا أحْنَى الأنَامِ علَى
ضَعْفِي قَوِيتَ ويا أَحْفَى البَرِيَّةِ بِي

5. Yet you continued to indulge me with expectations that
Strain my chest and force me reluctantly to anger.

٥. فَظَلْتَ تُوسِعُني مَطْلاً يَضيقُ بِهِ
صَدْرِي ويَضطَرُّنِي كُرْهاً إلى الغَضَبِ

6. Far be it from the integrity of promises made by you
That indulgence would instill in them any falsehood.

٦. حَاشَا وُجُوهَ وُعُودٍ مِنْكَ صَادِقةً
أن يُحدِثَ المطْلُ فيها كِلْفَةَ الكَذِبِ

7. I indeed wonder, while days were not created
Except to introduce phases of wonder,

٧. إنِّي لأَعجَبُ والأيَّامُ ما خُلِقَتْ
إلاّ لِتُحْدِثَ أَطواراً من العَجَبِ

8. Who can guarantee me that if I left my homeland
Or died, he would do good for me after me?

٨. مَنْ ضَامِنٌ ليَ أَنْ لو غِبْتُ عَن وَطَنِي
أَو مِتُّ أعقَبنِي بالخَيرِ في عَقِبي

9. Yet here I am in the course of life asking him
For what cannot be asked without response.

٩. وها أنَا في مَجَالِ العُمْرِ أسأَلُهُ
ما لاَ يُقَالُ لَهُ شيئاً فلَمْ يَهَبِ

10. As for loyalty, it is something you have heard of
But will not see even if you strive to seek it.

١٠. أَمَّا الوفَاءُ فَشَيءٌ قد سَمِعتَ بِهِ
ولَنْ تَراهُ ولَو أمعَنْتَ في الطَّلَبِ