
Quraysh nurtured rancor against us, despite

رعت قريش فينا الذمام على

1. Quraysh nurtured rancor against us, despite
The kinship of Ibn Bakr ibn Wa'il.

١. رَعَتْ قُريشٌ فِينَا الذِّمامَ على
جَفَا ابْنِ بَكْرِ بْنِ وائلِ القُرْبَى

2. By God, they do not care for the guest, if
He arrives, nor for the good things they despise.

٢. لِلَّهِ هُم ما أَحَبَّ للضيفِ إنْ
حَلَّ وللطيِّباتِ ما أَحبَّا

3. A people who, when they are generous to you, see
Your gratitude as recompense for their gift.

٣. قَومٌ إذا أفْضَلُوا عليكَ رَأَوْا
شكرَكَ ما أَفضَلوا بِهِ ذَنْبا

4. So much so, that you see the truth of your praise
In their denial of it, calling it a lie.

٤. حتّى تَرَى صدقَ ما مدحتَهُمُ
بِهِ لإنكارِهِمْ لَهُ كِذْبا

5. They care not what they say, nor what they give,
Be it honest or usurious gain.

٥. يُولُونَ ما دُونَ عِرْضِهِمُ لا
يُبالُونَ أَتِبْراً أَعْطُوهُ أَمْ تُرْبَا

6. They care not if honor and wealth gather
As spoils, when the two coincide.

٦. ولا يُبالونَ حينَ يجتمعُ الْ
عِرْضُ بِمَالٍ إذا غَدَا نَهْبَا

7. If people worshipped other than their Creator,
They would worship naught but their own honor.

٧. لو عَبَدَ الناسُ غَيرَ خَالقِهِمْ
ما عَبَدُوا دُونَ عِرْضِهِمْ رَبَّا

8. Generosity will remain with us, as long as they remain, but when
They pass away, so too will generosity, in their footsteps.

٨. يَبْقَى لنا الجودُ ما بقُوْا فمتَى
قَضَوْا قَضَى الجُودُ بعدهُمُ نَحْبَا

9. Neither has the mother of eternity weaned them,
Nor have they sipped from the cup of death.

٩. لا فَطَمَتْهم أُمُّ البَقَاءِ ولا
سَامَهُمْ كَأْسُ مِيْتةٍ شُرْبَا