
Do you wonder that she came to you when

أتعجب من أتانك حين أنت

1. Do you wonder that she came to you when
She carried her rider and lost her vigor?

١. أَتَعْجَبُ من أتَانِكَ حِينَ أَنَّتْ
بِرَاكِبهَا وزَايلَهَا النَّشَاطُ

2. For your riding has burdened her, so she took her time
As a child's diaper weighs down the child.

٢. لأَضْغَطَهَا رُكُوبُكَ فاسْتأنَّتْ
نحيطَ الطِّفْلِ أضْغَطهُ القُمَاطُ

3. So do not disdain the braying of the she-ass
When she carried you, for her goal is but to bray.

٣. فَلاَ تَسْتَنكِرَنَّ ضِرَاطَ أُتْنٍ
حَمَلْنَكَ إنَّ غَايتَها الضُّرَاطُ

4. She grew heavy, so had you covered the saddle with silk
Brocatelle, the ornate saddle would rend the brocatelle.

٤. ثَقُلَتْ فَلَوْ كَسَوْتَ الرَّحلَ ظَهْرَ الصْ
صِرَاطِ أليَّةً ضَرَطَ الضُّرَاطُ

5. And had you been alone on the carpet of the son of
David, the carpet would have inclined towards you.

٥. ولَو أصْبَحتَ وحْدَكَ في بِسَاطِ ابْ
نِ دَاوودٍ لَمَالَ بِكَ البِسَاطُ