
Oh will you ever listen to me one day, so I can let you hear

يا هل تصيخون لي يوما فأسمعكم

1. Oh will you ever listen to me one day, so I can let you hear
What makes the eyes burn with sorrow and yearning

١. يا هَلْ تُصِيخونَ لي يَوْماً فأُسمِعُكُمْ
ما يُسْخِنُ العَينَ مِنْ هَمٍّ وتَبرِيحِ

2. And I won't prolong, explaining is hard
For no chest can do it except an open one

٢. ولا أُطيلُ فَشرحُ القَولِ مُمْتَنِعٌ
إذْ لا يؤدِّيهِ صَدْرٌ غَيرُ مَشْرُوحِ

3. After you I have a sigh, if it were lit
It would suffice a wanderer instead of lamps' light

٣. لِي بَعْدَكُمْ زَفْرَةٌ لو يَسْتضيءُ بِهَا
سَارٍ لأغنَتْهُ عن ضَوْءِ المَصَابِيحِ

4. And tears, if they streamed red, no wonder
For I have passed by weeping eyelids

٤. وأدْمُعٍ إن جَرَتْ حُمْراً فَلاَ عَجَبٌ
فَقَدْ مَرَرْتُ بأجْفَانٍ مَجَارِيحِ

5. Can a thirsty shadow be sated, when it asks to see you
The thirst of a wilted flower flung on the ground

٥. فَهَلْ يُبَلُّ إذَا اسْتَسْقَى لِقاءَكُمُ
غَليلُ ظَامٍ دُوَينَ الوِرْدِ مَطْرُوحِ

6. For a man's poverty is his eyes longing to see you
Like the poverty of a body to its soul

٦. لَفَقْرُ إنْسَان عيْنيهِ لرُؤيَتِكُمْ
علَى النَّوى فقرُ جُثْمَانٍ إلى رُوحِ

7. And if nearness becomes difficult to visit you
Far away from you, almost carried off by the breeze

٧. وهَلْ إذَا عَزَّ قُربٌ أن يَزُورَكُمُ
عَنِّي لِفَرطِ اشْتيَاقِي نَاسِمُ الرِّيحِ

8. So my greetings to you wherever you are, greetings of one
Alive, whose sword of separation is unsheathed

٨. فَشَاعَكُم حَيثُ ما كُنتُمْ سَلاَمُ شَجٍ
حَيٍّ يَحدُّ حُسَامَ البُعْدِ مَذْبُوحِ