
A night whose stars reveal themselves to me

وليلة بت تجلو لي حنادسها

1. A night whose stars reveal themselves to me
A wine the color of slaughtered blood, red

١. ولَيلةٍ بِتُّ تَجلُو لي حَنَادِسَهَا
مُدَامَةٌ كَدَمِ المذْبُوحِ حَمرَاءُ

2. Like fire and water, however it's described, whatever's said
In truth there's neither fire nor water

٢. كالنَّارِ والمَاءِ إن شِيمَتْ وإنْ لمسَتْ
وفي الحَقيقَةِ لا نَارٌ ولا مَاءُ

3. A wanton virgin in humbleness and in a goblet
Marvel at her, wanton yet chaste

٣. شَمْطَاءُ عَذْراءُ في دَنٍّ وفي قَدَحٍ
فَاعْجبْ لها وهي شمْطَاءٌ وعَذْرَاءُ

4. As if amid the gloom and drizzle she's struck
By lightning that gives her an aura

٤. كأنَّهَا في الدُّجَى والزِّقُّ يَقذِفُهَا
بَرْقٌ لَهُ من خِلالِ الغَيمِ لألاءُ

5. A mellow drinker pursues her, his cloak
Of ample folds, his cheek rosy

٥. يَسعَى بِها شَادِنٌ مِيلٌ معاطفُهُ
دَاجي الغَدَائِرِ قَانِي الخَدِّ أحْوَاءُ

6. He occupies places in my heart and in my sight
This blackness, and from that, radiance

٦. لَهُ محلاَّنِ في قَلْبِي وفي بَصَري
سَوادُ هذَا ومن ذَاكَ السُويدَاءُ

7. And her ferment is a draught, pure
Like the wind, so with the pale one, pale

٧. وشَابَها نُطْفَةٌ من فِيهِ صَافيةٌ
كالرَّاحِ فَهيَ مع الصَّهْبَاء صَهْبَاءُ

8. A people blamed her drinking, but knew not
Alas, that blame itself's enticement

٨. لَحَا علَى شُرْبِها قَوْمٌ وما عَلِموا
يا ويحَهُمْ إنَّ ذَاكَ اللَّومَ إغْرَاءُ

9. Evil were those who forbade drinking her, for
Her servers acted well, and came to no evil

٩. سَاءَ الذينَ نهوا عن شُربِهَا ولقَدْ
شُرَّابُها أحسَنُوا صُنْعاً وما سَاؤُا