1. Behind you, indeed the calamity is great,
And indeed, crying over the likes of it is little.
١. وراءَ كُما إنَّ المُصَابَ جَليلُ
وإنَّ البُكَا في مِثْلِهِ لَقَلِيلُ
2. So leave me to weep even if
My soul in tears starts flowing for it.
٢. ألا فاتركَاني والبُكَاءَ ولو غَدَتْ
لِذَلِكَ رُوحي في الدُّمُوعِ تَسِيلُ
3. The easiest thing to fulfill the right of the perished
Is your tears if they could extinguish agony.
٣. فَأَيْسَرُ ما يُقْضَى بِهِ حَقُّ هَالِكٍ
دُمُوعُكَ لو يُطْفَى بِهِنَّ غَليلُ
4. Sorrow for the sons of a mother who passed away on their path
As the slow group hurried at dawn.
٤. أَسىً لبني أُمٍّ مَضَوْا لسبيلِهِمْ
كَما استرحلَ الرَّكْبَ البُطَاءَ عَجُولُ
5. Their elite were uprooted yesterday,
So women from them became widowed.
٥. قد استُؤْصِلَتْ بالأَمْسِ شَأْفَةُ جَمعِهِمْ
فأودَتْ نساءٌ منهُمُ وبُعُولُ
6. Youths as the morning willed, and elders
Whom old age took its right and they became frail.
٦. شبابٌ كما شَاءَ الصِّبَا ومَشَايخٌ
قضَى الشَّيبُ منهم حقَّهُ وكُهُولُ
7. This walked in the footsteps of that, and this in the footsteps of those,
And the tale becomes long.
٧. جَرَى ذا على آثَارِ هَذَا وهَذِهِ
على إِثْرِ هَذِي والحديثُ يطُولُ
8. O Banu Hashim, does death have long ropes
With you? And do events have burdens?
٨. بني هاشمٍ هل للمَنُونِ طَوَائِلٌ
لديكمْ وهل للحادِثاتِ ذُحُولُ
9. I doubt a day will pass without you
Descending upon other than the people of graves.
٩. لأعوزَ يومٍ أن يَمُرَّ وما لكُمْ
عَلَى غَيرِ أصحَابِ القُبُورِ نُزُولُ
10. Whenever you bury a corpse, you hold
The funeral of another. Indeed, this is lengthy.
١٠. إذا ماوَضَعتُمْ نَعْشَ مَيْتٍ رَفَعْتُمُ
جَنَازَةَ ثَانٍ إِنَّ ذَا لَيَطُولُ
11. Have you hated the living intensely? Why is it
That you do not descend upon other than the people of graves?
١١. أَأَبغضتُمُ الأَحْيَاءَ طُرّاً فما لكُمْ
علَى غَيْرِ أصْحَابِ القُبُورِ نزولُ
12. You have not left in the earth you buried in,
As much as what a resident's stick can toss.
١٢. فلم تَتْركُوا في الأَرضِ مِمّا دَفَنْتُمُ
بها قَدْرَ ما يُلْقِي عَصاهُ نَزِيلُ
13. Does it devour five of you in fifty days?
Indeed, it is gluttonous.
١٣. أَيأكلُ منكُمْ حَادِثُ الدَّهرِ خَمْسَةً
لخمسينَ يَوْماً إنَّهُ لأَكُولُ
14. While you are people - a drop of your blood
Carrying it leads to perishing and falling.
١٤. وأَنتُم أُناسٌ قَطْرَةٌ من دِمَائِكُم
يَؤدُّ البَرايَا حَمْلُها ويَهُولُ
15. Not like yesterday's captive bound to ruin
And every dear person to the pigeons is disgraced.
١٥. ولا كالذي بالأمسِ قِيْدَ إلى الرَّدَى
وكلُّ عزيزٍ للحِمَامِ ذَليلُ
16. A youth - if the people altogether were weighed against him
They would be light on the scale while he is heavy.
١٦. فَتىً لو وزنَّا الناسَ كلَّهم بِهِ
لَخَفُّوا على الميزَانِ وَهْوَ ثَقيلُ
17. So the palms carrying him to doom faltered,
Do you know who this one interred is?
١٧. فشُلَّتْ أَكُفُّ الحَامِلِيهِ إلى البِلَى
أتعلمُ مَنْ ذا للقُبُورِ تشيلُ
18. Ignorantly, the soil is heaped upon him, yet it
Shovels him in our eyes and pours.
١٨. تُهيلُ عليهِ التُرْبَ جَهْلاً وإنَّها
لتحثُوهُ في أَحْدَاقِنَا وتُهيلُ
19. We thanked the hands of time in its generosity with it
And the place of favor from the wicked is great.
١٩. شكرنا يَدَ الأَيّامِ في جُودِها بِهِ
ومَوْقِعُ إحْسَانِ اللئامِ جَليلُ
20. It is nothing but its turns claiming it back,
And it is impossible for a miser to be generous.
٢٠. فما هو إلاَّ أَنْ تَقَاضَاهُ صَرْفُها
لها ومُحَالٌ أن يَجُودَ بَخِيلُ
21. If hopes surpassed it, often,
The living roam the place of death and become barred.
٢١. فإنْ سَبَقَ الآمالَ فيهِ فَطَالَما
عَدَا الحَيَّ صَوْبُ المَحْلِ وَهْوَ مُحِيلُ
22. By his life and helping hands, they are indeed
The most precious that a man can give and attain.
٢٢. أَمَا وأَيَاديهِ الجِسَامُ وإنَّها
لأَنفَسُ ما يُعْطي امرؤٌ ويُنيلُ
23. Knowledge - if whispered to the rock comprehending
It almost realizes and nearly speaks.
٢٣. مَعَارفُ لو نَاجَى بها الصخرَ مُفْهِماً
لأَوشَكَ أن يدري وكادَ يقُولُ
24. Eyes open and insights mature through it,
And minds are pollinated and intellects.
٢٤. تُفَتَّحُ أَبْصَارٌ بِها وبَصَائِرٌ
وتَلْقَحُ أَذْهَانٌ بها وعُقُولُ
25. We lost him - loss of the garden's greenery after growth
So it became empty after flourishing and withered.
٢٥. فَقَدْنَاهُ فَقْدَ الرَّوْضِ رِيْعَ سَقِيُّهُ
فخوّى بهِ بَعْدَ النُّمُوِّ ذُبُولُ
26. Dearth to whoever seeks knowledge after him,
And darkness has come over the children of the mother of virtues.
٢٦. عَفَاءٌ على من يَطْلُبُ العِلْمَ بعدَهُ
وغَالَتْ بني أُمِّ الفضائِلِ غُولُ
27. When one like this Chieftain dies, then he is
Clear proof of the bad fortune of Muslims.
٢٧. إذَا مَاتَ فحلٌ مِثْلُ هَذَا فإنَّهُ
على ضَعْفِ حَظِّ المسلمينَ دَليلُ
28. And how can a land find one matching him
Even after time with ruin can suffice?
٢٨. وأنَّى لأَرْضٍ أن تُوافِقَ مثلَهُ
ولو بَعْدَ حِينٍ بالخَرَابِ كَفِيلُ
29. To Allah - how excellent are the fortunes of groups
Whose night’s rest and nap were in his presence.
٢٩. فللّهِ ما أَسْنَى حُظُوظَ مَعَاشِرٍ
حَوَاهُ مَبيتٌ عندهُمْ ومَقيلُ
30. Whenever the deceased are tasked in the court of doom
And there is a messenger for the people of graves
٣٠. متى كُلِّفَ الأَمواتُ في عَرْصَةِ البِلَى
وكانَ لأَصْحَابِ القُبُورِ رَسُولُ
31. To his children - You are not alone in bereavement,
The scholar and the ignorant are partners with you.
٣١. أَوَالِدَهُ ما أَنْتَ في الثَّكْلِ واحداً
شَريكُكَ فيهِ عالِمٌ وَجَهُولُ
32. If you say, “My lineage has been lost,” then he is
The lineage of all the people of both worlds.
٣٢. فإنْ قُلْتَ قد أَوْدَى سَلِيلي فإنَّهُ
لِسَائرِ هَذَا العَالمينَ سَليلُ
33. His merit refused to be exclusive to his descendants -
Everyone relies and depends on him.
٣٣. أبَى فضلُهُ أَنْ يستَخِصَّ برُزْئِهِ
بنُو بيتِهِ كلٌّ عَليهِ ثَكُولُ
34. His family and all mankind - their life's journey
And a corpse to the abode of doom and decay.
٣٤. أَأُسْرَتَهُ والناسُ أَجْمعُ سَيْرُهُمْ
وَجِيفٌ إلى دَارِ البِلَى وذَميلُ
35. Your solace - Time may one day pastoralize
So it does good while situations change.
٣٥. عَزَاؤكُمُ والدهْرُ يا ربَّمَا ارْعَوَى
فَأحْسَنَ والأَحوَالُ سَوفَ تَحُولُ
36. I guarantee you from The Lord of Majesty in His kindness -
Harm will disappear and goals will be reached.
٣٦. ضَمِنْتُ لكم عن ذي الجَلالِ بِعَطْفِهِ
يَزُولُ بِها ضُرٌّ وتُدرَكُ سُولُ
37. His Lord watered his grave from the rain clouds,
And allowed the breeze to pull curtains over him.
٣٧. سَقَى قَبرَهُ من وَاكِفِ الغَيْثِ رَبُّهُ
وجَرَّ عَلَيهِ للنسيمِ ذُيُولُ
38. And the safety of God continues to lead him
Every morning endlessly and every evening.
٣٨. ولا زَالَ تسليمُ الإلهِ يسوقُهُ
له غدوةً ما تنقضِي وأَصِيلُ